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IAgCloudsAndFogFadingLossModelP840_7 Interface


Provides access to the properties and methods for clouds and fog loss model ITU-R P.840-7.

Public Properties

Public Property AverageDataMonthGets or sets the month, (1 - 12) of the year, used to get average liquid water data.
Public Property CloudCeilingGets or sets the cloud ceiling.
Public Property CloudLayerThicknessGets or sets the cloud layer thickness.
Public Property CloudLiquidWaterDensityGets or sets the cloud liquid water density.
Public Property CloudTemperatureGets or sets the cloud temperature.
Public Property LiquidWaterDensityChoiceGets or sets the cloud liquid water density Choice.
Public Property LiquidWaterPercentAnnualExceededGets or sets the Liquid water % Annual Exceeded.
Public Property LiquidWaterPercentMonthlyExceededGets or sets the Liquid water % Monthly Exceeded.
Public Property UseRainHeightAsCloudLayerThicknessGets or sets the use rain height as cloud layer thickness.


CoClasses that Implement IAgCloudsAndFogFadingLossModelP840_7

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