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IAgCvGridInspector Interface


Provides access to the Coverage Definition grid inspector properties.

Public Methods

Public Method ClearSelectionClears the selected point or region
Public Method GetGridPointSelectionReturns a collection of grid points that allows the user to select points into the grid inspector.
Public Method SelectPointLat param uses Latitude Dimension. Lon param uses Longitude Dimension.
Public Method SelectRegionSelects a region.

Public Properties

Public Property MessageRetrieves the message when a point or region is selected.
Public Property PointCoverageAccesses for the point selected in the graphics window.
Public Property PointDailyCoverageAccess times for the point selected in the graphics window.
Public Property PointProbOfCoverageThe probability of coverage for the point selected in the graphics window being achieved as a function of the time past a request for coverage.
Public Property RegionCoverageSummary of coverage for the region selected in the graphics window.
Public Property RegionFullCoverageSummary of the coverage intervals for the selected region, including access start and end times, duration of each interval and the percentage of the region covered during each pass.
Public Property RegionPassCoverageDetailed information about the intervals of time when each asset can provide coverage to the selected region.
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