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IAgCvResolution Interface


Base interface for IAgCvResolutionArea, IAgCvResolutionDistance and IAgCvResolutionLatLon, used to define coverage resolution (spacing between grid points).

CoClasses that Implement IAgCvResolution


Define a grid resolution by latitude and longitude
// Get the IAgCvGrid interface
IAgCvGrid grid = coverageDefinition.Grid;

// Set resolution type
grid.ResolutionType = AgECvResolution.eResolutionLatLon;

// Get the resolution interface
IAgCvResolution resolution = grid.Resolution;
IAgCvResolutionLatLon latLonResolution = resolution as IAgCvResolutionLatLon;

// Assign LatLon used to define grid resolution
// Uses Angle Dimension
latLonResolution.LatLon = 3.0;
Define a grid resolution by latitude and longitude
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the IAgCvGrid interface
Dim grid As IAgCvGrid = coverageDefinition.Grid

' Set resolution type
grid.ResolutionType = AgECvResolution.eResolutionLatLon

' Get the resolution interface
Dim resolution As IAgCvResolution = grid.Resolution
Dim latLonResolution As IAgCvResolutionLatLon = TryCast(resolution, IAgCvResolutionLatLon)

' Assign LatLon used to define grid resolution
' Uses Angle Dimension
latLonResolution.LatLon = 3
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