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IAgDataPrvTimeVar Interface


Represents the Time-dependent Data Provider (for instance satellite position).

Public Methods

Public Method ExecCompute the data; time-dependent data providers require an interval and a time step. Start/Stop use DateFormat Dimension. StepTime uses Time Dimension.
Public Method ExecElementsCompute the data and return just the indicated data elements; time-dependent data providers require an interval and a time step.
Public Method ExecElementsEventArrayCompute the data and returns just the indicated data elements; Input is a Times Array component, and object start and stop times. Start/Stop use DateFormat Dimension.
Public Method ExecElementsEventArrayOnlyCompute the data and returns just the indicated data elements; Input is a Times Array component.
Public Method ExecElementsNativeTimesCompute the data for default; return just the indicated data elements; default time-dependent data providers require an interval. Start/Stop use DateFormat Dimension.
Public Method ExecEventArrayCompute the data given a Times Array component. Also requires object start and stop times, which use DateFormat Dimension.
Public Method ExecNativeTimesCompute the data for default; default time-dependent data providers require an interval. Start/Stop use DateFormat Dimension.
Public Method ExecSingleComputes the data given a single Time. SingleTime uses DateFormat Dimension.
Public Method ExecSingleElementsComputes the data given a single Time and return just the indicated data elements. SingleTime uses DateFormat Dimension.
Public Method ExecSingleElementsArrayComputes the data given a single Time array and return just the indicated data elements. If time values without data are requested, null entries will be returned in the data array. SingleTime uses DateFormat Dimension.


CoClasses that Implement IAgDataPrvTimeVar


Compute an access and get constraint data from data provider
// Compute Access between the facility and the satellite
IAgStkObject sat1 = root.GetObjectFromPath("Satellite/Satellite1");
IAgStkObject fac1 = root.GetObjectFromPath("Facility/Facility1");
IAgStkAccess access = sat1.GetAccessToObject(fac1);

// Get the access intervals
IAgIntervalCollection accessIntervals = access.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes;

// Set unit preferences - change to get your preferred units
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Distance", "km");
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Angle", "deg");
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Time", "sec");
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("DateFormat", "UTCG");

// Extract the access intervals and the range information for each access interval
Array dataPrvElements = new object[]
        "Time", "FromAngularRate", "FromRange"

IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = access.DataProviders["Constraint Data"] as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;

for (int index0 = 0; index0 < accessIntervals.Count; ++index0)
    object startTime = null, stopTime = null;

    accessIntervals.GetInterval(index0, out startTime, out stopTime);

    Console.WriteLine("Access Interval #{0} - Start={1} Stop={2}", index0, startTime, stopTime);

    IAgDrResult result = dp.ExecElements(startTime, stopTime, 60, ref dataPrvElements);

    Array timeValues = result.DataSets[0].GetValues();
    Array fromAngularRateValues = result.DataSets[1].GetValues();
    Array fromRangeValues = result.DataSets[2].GetValues();

    for (int index1 = 0; index1 < timeValues.GetLength(0); ++index1)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: FromAngularRate={1} FromRange={2}",

Execute a time dependent data provider and request all elements for the specified time interval
IAgDataPrvTimeVar dpInfo = facility.DataProviders["Lighting AER"] as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
IAgDrResult resInfo = dpInfo.Exec(
    "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000",
    "1 Jan 2012 12:00:20.000",
Execute a time dependent data provider and returning all elements for a single time
IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = satellite.DataProviders["Precision Passes"] as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
IAgDrResult resInfo = dp.ExecSingle("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000");
Execute a time dependent data provider and returning the specified elements at the specified time
Array times = new object[]
                  "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000", "1 Jan 2012 12:00:20.000",
                  "1 Jan 2012 12:00:40.000"
Array elems = new object[]
                  "Precision Pass Number"

IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = satellite.DataProviders["Precision Passes"] as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;

// ExecSingleElementsArray expects each safe array parameter to be one dimensional,
// all arrays must have the same length
IAgDrTimeArrayElements resInfo = dp.ExecSingleElementsArray(ref times, ref elems);
Execute a time dependent data provider and returning the specified elements for a single time
Array elems = new object[]
                  "Precision Pass Number"

IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = satellite.DataProviders["Precision Passes"] as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;

// ExecSingleElements expects as the second parameter a one dimensional array of element names
IAgDrResult resInfo = dp.ExecSingleElements("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000", ref elems);
Compute an access and get constraint data from data provider
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Compute Access between the facility and the satellite
Dim sat1 As IAgStkObject = root.GetObjectFromPath("Satellite/Satellite1")
Dim fac1 As IAgStkObject = root.GetObjectFromPath("Facility/Facility1")
Dim access As IAgStkAccess = sat1.GetAccessToObject(fac1)

' Get the access intervals
Dim accessIntervals As IAgIntervalCollection = access.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes

' Set unit preferences - change to get your preferred units
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Distance", "km")
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Angle", "deg")
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Time", "sec")
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("DateFormat", "UTCG")

' Extract the access intervals and the range information for each access interval
Dim dataPrvElements As Array = New Object() {"Time", "FromAngularRate", "FromRange"}

Dim dp As IAgDataPrvTimeVar = TryCast(access.DataProviders("Constraint Data"), IAgDataPrvTimeVar)

Dim index0 As Integer = 0
While index0 < accessIntervals.Count
	Dim startTime As Object = Nothing, stopTime As Object = Nothing

	accessIntervals.GetInterval(index0, startTime, stopTime)

	Console.WriteLine("Access Interval #{0} - Start={1} Stop={2}", index0, startTime, stopTime)

	Dim result As IAgDrResult = dp.ExecElements(startTime, stopTime, 60, dataPrvElements)

	Dim timeValues As Array = result.DataSets(0).GetValues()
	Dim fromAngularRateValues As Array = result.DataSets(1).GetValues()
	Dim fromRangeValues As Array = result.DataSets(2).GetValues()

	Dim index1 As Integer = 0
	While index1 < timeValues.GetLength(0)
		Console.WriteLine("{0}: FromAngularRate={1} FromRange={2}", timeValues.GetValue(index1), fromAngularRateValues.GetValue(index1), fromRangeValues.GetValue(index1))
	End While

End While
Execute a time dependent data provider and request all elements for the specified time interval
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim dpInfo As IAgDataPrvTimeVar = TryCast(facility.DataProviders("Lighting AER"), IAgDataPrvTimeVar)
Dim resInfo As IAgDrResult = dpInfo.Exec("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000", "1 Jan 2012 12:00:20.000", 60)
Execute a time dependent data provider and returning all elements for a single time
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim dp As IAgDataPrvTimeVar = TryCast(satellite.DataProviders("Precision Passes"), IAgDataPrvTimeVar)
Dim resInfo As IAgDrResult = dp.ExecSingle("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000")
Execute a time dependent data provider and returning the specified elements at the specified time
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim times As Array = New Object() {"1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000", "1 Jan 2012 12:00:20.000", "1 Jan 2012 12:00:40.000"}
Dim elems As Array = New Object() {"Time", "Precision Pass Number"}

Dim dp As IAgDataPrvTimeVar = TryCast(satellite.DataProviders("Precision Passes"), IAgDataPrvTimeVar)

' ExecSingleElementsArray expects each safe array parameter to be one dimensional,
' all arrays must have the same length
Dim resInfo As IAgDrTimeArrayElements = dp.ExecSingleElementsArray(times, elems)
Execute a time dependent data provider and returning the specified elements for a single time
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim elems As Array = New Object() {"Time", "Precision Pass Number"}

Dim dp As IAgDataPrvTimeVar = TryCast(satellite.DataProviders("Precision Passes"), IAgDataPrvTimeVar)

' ExecSingleElements expects as the second parameter a one dimensional array of element names
Dim resInfo As IAgDrResult = dp.ExecSingleElements("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000", elems)

See Also

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