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IAgDrTimeVarExtremumResult Interface


Represents the results of computing a data set time varying extremum using IAgDrStatistics.ComputeTimeVarExtremum method.

Public Properties

Public Property TimeGet the time when the value occurred. Use this time with the Exec methods to retrieve other element values when the statistics occurred. Uses DateFormat Dimension.
Public Property ValueValue of the time varying extremum computed. Uses the dimension of the data set used to compute the time varying extremum.

CoClasses that Implement IAgDrTimeVarExtremumResult


Compute time varying statistic on data set
IAgDrTimeVarExtremumResult result = dataSet.Statistics.ComputeTimeVarExtremum(AgETimeVarExtremum.eMax);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", dataSet.ElementName);
Console.WriteLine("\tTime: {0}, Max: {1}", result.Time, result.Value);
Compute time varying statistic on data set
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim result As IAgDrTimeVarExtremumResult = dataSet.Statistics.ComputeTimeVarExtremum(AgETimeVarExtremum.eMax)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", dataSet.ElementName)
Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "Time: {0}, Max: {1}", result.Time, result.Value)
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