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IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime Interface


System Response Time Figure of Merit.

Public Properties

Public Property AllowForwardCrosslinkDetermines if a single cross-link between assets is allowed to be used to minimize the response time.
Public Property CollectionTimeAmount of time in seconds required for data collection.
Public Property CommandingTimeAmount of time in seconds required for transmission of the prepared command from the CommandStation to the assets.
Public Property CommandPerpTimeAmount of time in seconds required for command preparation.
Public Property CommandStationPathInstance path for the commanding object. NONE can be used to clear the commanding object.
Public Property DownlinkTimeAmount of time in seconds required for transmission of the collected data from the assets to the ReceiveStation.
Public Property PostCollectionTimeAmount of time in seconds required from asset collection until data can be transmitted to the ReceiveStation.
Public Property PreCollectionTimeAmount of time in seconds required from receipt of commanding until a collection can be performed by the assets.
Public Property ReceiveStationPathInstance path for the receiving object. NONE can be used to clear the receiving object.
Public Property TimeStepThe value in seconds to be used during the computation of satisfaction intervals.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime


Configure figure of merit System Response Time
IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime systemResponseTime = fom.Definition as IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime;

systemResponseTime.CommandStationPath = @"/Application/STK/Scenario/CodeSnippetScenario/Facility/Facility1";
Configure figure of merit System Response Time reset
IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime systemResponseTime = fom.Definition as IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime;

systemResponseTime.CommandStationPath = "NONE";
Configure figure of merit System Response Time
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim systemResponseTime As IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime = TryCast(fom.Definition, IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime)

systemResponseTime.CommandStationPath = "/Application/STK/Scenario/CodeSnippetScenario/Facility/Facility1"
Configure figure of merit System Response Time reset
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim systemResponseTime As IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime = TryCast(fom.Definition, IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime)

systemResponseTime.CommandStationPath = "NONE"
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