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IAgGfxRangeContours Interface


AgGfxRangeContours used to access contours of 2-d object

Public Properties

Public Property AvailableLabelUnitsThe available units for the LabelUnit.
Public Property FillStyleThe style in which the range contours polygon is filled. A member of the AgEFillStyle enumeration.
Public Property FillTranslucencySpecify the fill translucency percentage of the polygon on the surface of the central body. Translucency ranges from 0 to 100 percent, where 100 percent is invisible.
Public Property IsFillVisibleDisplay the range contours as a filled polygon on the surface of the central body.
Public Property IsVisibleDisplay range contours representing the various regions of the surface that can see an object at the specified level.
Public Property LabelUnitThe display units on the 2d map.
Public Property LevelAttributesThe collection of level attributes defining the way in which the range contours are displayed.
Public Property NumOfDecimalDigitsNumber of decimal digits.


Set 2D/3D Range Contours
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
# Set a contour level in the 2D properties
rangeContours = satellite.Graphics.RangeContours
rangeContours.IsVisible = True
rangeLevel = rangeContours.LevelAttributes.AddLevel(2000)  # km
rangeLevel.Color = Colors.Fuchsia
rangeLevel.LineWidth = AgELineWidth.e5
rangeLevel.LabelAngle = 90
rangeLevel.UserTextVisible = True
rangeLevel.UserText = 'Range'
# Turn the contours on in the 3D properties
satellite.VO.RangeContours.IsVisible = True

Set 2D/3D Range Contours
% IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
% Set a contour level in the 2D properties
rangeContours = satellite.Graphics.RangeContours;
rangeContours.IsVisible = true;
rangeLevel = rangeContours.LevelAttributes.AddLevel(2000);  % km
rangeLevel.Color = 16711935;
rangeLevel.LineWidth = 4;
rangeLevel.LabelAngle = 90;
rangeLevel.UserTextVisible = true;
rangeLevel.UserText = 'Range';
% Turn the contours on in the 3D properties
satellite.VO.RangeContours.IsVisible = true;

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