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IAgLaserAtmosphericLossModelBeerBouguerLambertLaw Interface


Provides access to the properties and methods a Beer-Bouguer-Lambert law laser propagation loss model.

Public Methods

Public Method CreateEvenlySpacedLayersClears any existing layers in the collection and creates evenly spaced layers from surface of the central body to the maximum altitude.
Public Method CreateUnevenlySpacedLayersClears any existing layers in the collection and creates unevenly spaced layers using the array of supplied layer top heights.

Public Properties

Public Property AtmosphereLayersGets the atmosphere layer collection.
Public Property EnableEvenlySpacedHeightsGets the option for enabling evenly spaced layer heights.
Public Property MaximumAltitudeGets the maximum altitude of the atmosphere.


CoClasses that Implement IAgLaserAtmosphericLossModelBeerBouguerLambertLaw

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