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IAgMissile Interface


Interface for a missile object.

Public Methods

Public Method IsAttitudeTypeSupportedGets a value indicating whether the specified type can be used.
Public Method IsTrajectoryTypeSupportedGets a value indicating whether the specified type can be used.
Public Method SetAttitudeTypeSet the type of attitude profile used by the missile.
Public Method SetTrajectoryTypeSet the propagator type.

Public Properties

Public Property AccessConstraintsGet the constraints imposed on the missile.
Public Property AtmosphereThis property is deprecated. The new RFEnvironment property can be used to configure atmospheric models.
Public Property AttitudeGet the missile's attitude profile.
Public Property AttitudeSupportedTypesReturns an array of valid choices.
Public Property AttitudeTypeGet the type of attitude profile used by the missile.
Public Property EclipseBodiesGet the customized list of Eclipse Bodies, which are central bodies used in lighting computations.
Public Property ExportToolsReturns the IAgMsExportTools interface.
Public Property GetEOIRGet the EOIR properties of the missile.
Public Property GraphicsGet the missile's 2D Graphics properties.
Public Property GroundEllipsesGet the missile's ground ellipses properties.
Public Property LaserEnvironmentGets the laser environment.
Public Property LightingMaxStepThis property is deprecated. Use LightingMaxStepTerrain or LightingMaxStepCbShape as appropriate. The maximum step size to use when computing lighting when UseTerrainInLightingComputations is true. Uses Time Dimension.
Public Property LightingMaxStepCbShapeGets or sets the maximum step size to use when computing lighting when UseTerrainInLightingComputations is false. Uses Time Dimension.
Public Property LightingMaxStepTerrainGets or sets the maximum step size to use when computing lighting when UseTerrainInLightingComputations is true. Uses Time Dimension.
Public Property RadarClutterMapReturns the radar clutter map.
Public Property RadarCrossSectionReturns the radar cross sectoin.
Public Property RFEnvironmentGets the RF environment.
Public Property SpaceEnvironmentReturns the missile's SpaceEnvironment properties.
Public Property TrajectoryGet the missile's trajectory properties.
Public Property TrajectorySupportedTypesReturns an array of valid choices.
Public Property TrajectoryTypeGet the propagator type used by the missile.
Public Property UseTerrainInLightingComputationsOpt whether to compute lighting using terrain data.
Public Property VOGet the missile's 3D Graphics properties.


CoClasses that Implement IAgMissile


Define missile trajectory
// Set missile trajectory type

// Retrieve the Propagator interface
IAgVePropagatorBallistic trajectory = missile.Trajectory as IAgVePropagatorBallistic;

// Set propagator settings if they should be other than defaults
trajectory.EphemerisInterval.SetExplicitInterval("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000", "2 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000");
trajectory.Step = 60.0;

// Set flight parameters
IAgVeLaunchLLA launch = trajectory.Launch as IAgVeLaunchLLA;
launch.Lat = 0.0;
launch.Lon = 0.0;
launch.Alt = 0.0;

// Set impact location type

// Retrieve the impact point interface
IAgVeImpactLocationPoint impactLocation = trajectory.ImpactLocation as IAgVeImpactLocationPoint;

// Retrieve the launch flight interface
IAgVeLaunchControlFixedTimeOfFlight launchControl = impactLocation.LaunchControl as IAgVeLaunchControlFixedTimeOfFlight;
launchControl.TimeOfFlight = 9000.0;

// Configure missile Impact parameters
IAgVeImpactLLA impact = impactLocation.Impact as IAgVeImpactLLA;
impact.Lat = -20.0;
impact.Lon = -20.0;
impact.Alt = 0.0;

// Propagate Missile
Define missile trajectory
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Set missile trajectory type

' Retrieve the Propagator interface
Dim trajectory As IAgVePropagatorBallistic = TryCast(missile.Trajectory, IAgVePropagatorBallistic)

' Set propagator settings if they should be other than defaults
trajectory.EphemerisInterval.SetExplicitInterval("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000", "2 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000")
trajectory.[Step] = 60

' Set flight parameters
Dim launch As IAgVeLaunchLLA = TryCast(trajectory.Launch, IAgVeLaunchLLA)
launch.Lat = 0
launch.Lon = 0
launch.Alt = 0

' Set impact location type

' Retrieve the impact point interface
Dim impactLocation As IAgVeImpactLocationPoint = TryCast(trajectory.ImpactLocation, IAgVeImpactLocationPoint)

' Retrieve the launch flight interface
Dim launchControl As IAgVeLaunchControlFixedTimeOfFlight = TryCast(impactLocation.LaunchControl, IAgVeLaunchControlFixedTimeOfFlight)
launchControl.TimeOfFlight = 9000

' Configure missile Impact parameters
Dim impact As IAgVeImpactLLA = TryCast(impactLocation.Impact, IAgVeImpactLLA)
impact.Lat = -20
impact.Lon = -20
impact.Alt = 0

' Propagate Missile
Create a New Missile (on the current scenario central body)
[Python - STK API]
# IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object
missile = scenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eMissile, 'MyMissile')
trajectory = missile.Trajectory
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit('DateFormat', 'EpSec')
trajectory.EphemerisInterval.SetExplicitInterval(0, 0)  # stop time later computed based on propagation
trajectory.Launch.Lat = 29
trajectory.Launch.Lon = -81
trajectory.ImpactLocation.Impact.Lat = 27
trajectory.ImpactLocation.Impact.Lon = -43
trajectory.ImpactLocation.LaunchControl.ApogeeAlt = 1200   # km

Create a New Missile (on the current scenario central body)
% IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object
missile = scenario.Children.New('eMissile', 'MyMissile');
trajectory = missile.Trajectory;
trajectory.EphemerisInterval.SetExplicitInterval(0, 0) % stop time later computed based on propagation
trajectory.Launch.Lat = 29;
trajectory.Launch.Lon = -81;
trajectory.ImpactLocation.Impact.Lat = 27;
trajectory.ImpactLocation.Impact.Lon = -43;
trajectory.ImpactLocation.LaunchControl.ApogeeAlt = 1200;   % km

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