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IAgModtranPropagationModel Interface


Provides access to the properties and methods of the MODTRAN propagation model.

Public Methods

Public Method SetAerosolModelTypeByNameSets the aerosol model type by name.

Public Properties

Public Property AerosolModelTypeGets or sets the aerosol model type
Public Property CloudAltitudeGets or sets the cloud altitude value.
Public Property CloudModelTypeGets or sets the cloud model type
Public Property CloudThicknessGets or sets the cloud thickness value.
Public Property OverrideCloudAltitudeGets or set the option for overriding the cloud altitude.
Public Property OverrideCloudThicknessGets or set the option for overriding the cloud thickness.
Public Property RelativeHumidityGets or sets the relative humidity.
Public Property SupportedAerosolModelsGets an array of supported aerosol model names.
Public Property SurfaceTemperatureGets or sets the surface temperature.
Public Property VisibilityGets or sets the visibility.
Public Property WriteNumTimeStepsGets or sets the number of time steps to write MODTRAN output files
Public Property WriteStartTimeGets or sets the time to start writing MODTRAN output files


CoClasses that Implement IAgModtranPropagationModel

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