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IAgMtoAnalysisRange Interface


MTO range computation.

Public Methods

Public Method AreAllTracksInRangeReturns true if all tracks are in range of the specified object.
Public Method AreTracksInRangeReturns true if any track in the array is visible to the object.
Public Method ComputeAllRangesComputes the range of all track ids. Returns an array of track ids with a bool value if it's in range of the object.
Public Method ComputeRangesReturns an array of track ids with a bool value if it's in range of the object.
Public Method IsAnyTrackInRangeReturns true if any track is in range of the specified object.
Public Method IsTrackInRangeReturns true is the track id is within range.

Public Properties

Public Property EntiretyRange Entirety.
Public Property LowerLimitThe lower range limit in Distance Units.
Public Property ObjectDataIf the Object to which range will be computed is an MTO, use this option to specify the track that will be used to compute that range. By default the MTO's ComputeTrack will be used.
Public Property ObjectIntervalUse Extended to use the last point of the ephemeris span of the object for times past the last point. Default is Normal.
Public Property StkObjectPathThe object to which range is being computed.
Public Property UpperLimitThe upper range limit in Distance Units.
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