MTO Track List.
Add | Adds a new element to the collection. |
AddTrack | Adds a new track with the specified point data. |
AddTracks | Adds and returns the desired number of new tracks starting with the desired id. |
AddTracksWithPosData | Adds new track with the specified position data. |
ClearInputDataVGTSystem | Removes VGT Data System from MTO tracks. |
ExtendTracksWithPosData | Extends tracks with the specified position data. |
GetTrackFromId | Given a track id, returns an element in the collection. |
LoadCommandFile | Load Track Command File. |
Remove | Removes an element from the collection using a specified track. |
RemoveAll | Removes all elements from the collection. |
RemoveAt | Removes an element from the collection using a specified index. |
RemoveById | Removes an element from the collection using a specified id. |
RemoveTracks | Removes the provided tracks. |
RemoveTracksById | Removes tracks based on the provided Ids. |
SetInputDataVGTSystem | Sets VGT Data System to MTO tracks. |