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IAgMtoVOTrack Interface


Interface for setting 3D graphics properties for MTO tracks.

Public Properties

Public Property DropLinesReturns an interface allowing you to configure the MTO's drop lines.
Public Property IdThe identification number of the track. Dimensionless.
Public Property IsVisibleOpt whether to display the track in the 3D Graphics window.
Public Property LabelGet the track's 3D label properties.
Public Property MarkerGet the track's 3D marker properties.
Public Property ModelGet the track's 3D model properties.
Public Property PointGet the track's 3D point properties.
Public Property RangeContoursGet the MTO's 3D range contour properties.
Public Property ShouldFadeOverTrailTimeControls whether trailing line fades over trail time.
Public Property SwapDistancesGet the track's 3D swap distance properties.


Configure MTO graphics
IAgMtoVOTrackCollection tracks = mto.VO.Tracks;
foreach (IAgMtoVOTrack element in tracks)
    element.Marker.PixelSize = 12;
    element.Marker.OrientationMode = AgEVOMarkerOrientation.eVOMarkerOrientationAngle;
    element.Marker.XOrigin = AgEVOMarkerOriginType.eRight;
    element.Marker.YOrigin = AgEVOMarkerOriginType.eBottom;
    element.Marker.Angle = 1.23;

    element.Marker.MarkerType = AgEMarkerType.eImageFile;

    element.Model.IsVisible = true;
    element.Model.Filename = @"STKData\VO\Models\Land\ariane-lp.mdl";
    element.Model.InitialBearing = 3.0;
    element.Model.ScaleValue = 2.0;
    element.Model.ZPointsNadir = true;

    element.Label.Enable = true;
    element.Label.X = 33.5;
    element.Label.Y = 82.2;
    element.Label.Z = 100.0;
    element.Label.OffsetFrame = AgEOffsetFrameType.eOffsetFrameCartesian;
Configure MTO graphics
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim tracks As IAgMtoVOTrackCollection = mto.VO.Tracks
For Each element As IAgMtoVOTrack In tracks
	element.Marker.PixelSize = 12
	element.Marker.OrientationMode = AgEVOMarkerOrientation.eVOMarkerOrientationAngle
	element.Marker.XOrigin = AgEVOMarkerOriginType.eRight
	element.Marker.YOrigin = AgEVOMarkerOriginType.eBottom
	element.Marker.Angle = 1.23

	element.Marker.MarkerType = AgEMarkerType.eImageFile

	element.Model.IsVisible = True
	element.Model.Filename = "STKData\VO\Models\Land\ariane-lp.mdl"
	element.Model.InitialBearing = 3
	element.Model.ScaleValue = 2
	element.Model.ZPointsNadir = True

	element.Label.Enable = True
	element.Label.X = 33.5
	element.Label.Y = 82.2
	element.Label.Z = 100
	element.Label.OffsetFrame = AgEOffsetFrameType.eOffsetFrameCartesian
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