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IAgOnePtAccessConstraint Interface


One Point Access Result.

Public Properties

Public Property ConstraintThe type of the constraint being evaluated.
Public Property ObjectPathThe object path of the owner of the constraint.
Public Property StatusAn indicator describing the status of whether the constraint is satisfied or violated at the computed time.
Public Property ValueThe value of the constraint at the computed time, in internal units.


Compute an access for one point
IAgOnePtAccess onePtAccess = facility.CreateOnePointAccess("Satellite/Satellite1");

// Configure properties (if necessary)
onePtAccess.StartTime = "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000";
onePtAccess.StopTime = "1 Jan 2012 13:00:00.000";
onePtAccess.StepSize = 120;
onePtAccess.SummaryOption = AgEOnePtAccessSummary.eOnePtAccessSummaryDetailed;

// Compute results
IAgOnePtAccessResultCollection results = onePtAccess.Compute();

// Print results
for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
    IAgOnePtAccessResult result = results[i];

    Console.WriteLine("Time: {0}, HasAccess: {1}", result.Time, result.AccessSatisfied);

    for (int j = 0; j < result.Constraints.Count; j++)
        IAgOnePtAccessConstraint constraint = result.Constraints[j];
        Console.WriteLine("Constraint: {0}, Object {1}, Status {2}, Value {3}",
Compute an access for one point
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim onePtAccess As IAgOnePtAccess = facility.CreateOnePointAccess("Satellite/Satellite1")

' Configure properties (if necessary)
onePtAccess.StartTime = "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000"
onePtAccess.StopTime = "1 Jan 2012 13:00:00.000"
onePtAccess.StepSize = 120
onePtAccess.SummaryOption = AgEOnePtAccessSummary.eOnePtAccessSummaryDetailed

' Compute results
Dim results As IAgOnePtAccessResultCollection = onePtAccess.Compute()

' Print results
Dim i As Integer = 0
While i < results.Count
	Dim result As IAgOnePtAccessResult = results(i)

	Console.WriteLine("Time: {0}, HasAccess: {1}", result.Time, result.AccessSatisfied)

	Dim j As Integer = 0
	While j < result.Constraints.Count
		Dim constraint As IAgOnePtAccessConstraint = result.Constraints(j)
		Console.WriteLine("Constraint: {0}, Object {1}, Status {2}, Value {3}", constraint.Constraint, constraint.ObjectPath, constraint.Status, constraint.Value)
		System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(j),j - 1)
	End While
	System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(i),i - 1)
End While
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