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IAgPlanet Interface


Provides access to the properties and methods used in defining a planet object.

Public Properties

Public Property AccessConstraintsGet the constraints imposed on the planet.
Public Property CommonTasksCommon Tasks associated with the planet.
Public Property GraphicsGet the planet's 2D Graphics properties.
Public Property PositionSourceThe criterion for defining the planet. A member of the AgEPlPositionSourceType enumeration.
Public Property PositionSourceDataGet definitional data for the planet.
Public Property VOGet the planet's 3D Graphics properties.


CoClasses that Implement IAgPlanet


Configure a planet
planet.PositionSource = AgEPlPositionSourceType.ePosCentralBody;

// Get IAgPlPosCentralBody interface
IAgPlPosCentralBody body = planet.PositionSourceData as IAgPlPosCentralBody;

body.AutoRename = false;
body.CentralBody = "Jupiter";

// AvailableEphemSourceTypes is a one dimensional array of AgEEphemSourceType values
if (Array.IndexOf(body.AvailableEphemSourceTypes, (int)AgEEphemSourceType.eEphemAnalytic) != -1)
    body.EphemSource = AgEEphemSourceType.eEphemAnalytic;
Configure a planet
[Visual Basic .NET]
planet.PositionSource = AgEPlPositionSourceType.ePosCentralBody

' Get IAgPlPosCentralBody interface
Dim body As IAgPlPosCentralBody = TryCast(planet.PositionSourceData, IAgPlPosCentralBody)

body.AutoRename = False
body.CentralBody = "Jupiter"

' AvailableEphemSourceTypes is a one dimensional array of AgEEphemSourceType values
If Array.IndexOf(body.AvailableEphemSourceTypes, DirectCast(AgEEphemSourceType.eEphemAnalytic, Integer)) <> -1 Then
	body.EphemSource = AgEEphemSourceType.eEphemAnalytic
End If
Create a New Planet
[Python - STK API]
# IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object
planet = scenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.ePlanet, 'Mars')
planet.CommonTasks.SetPositionSourceCentralBody('Mars', AgEEphemSourceType.eEphemJPLDE)

Modify Planet 2D Properties
[Python - STK API]
# IAgPlanet planet: Planet object
planet2D = planet.Graphics
planet2D.Color = Colors.Red
planet2D.Inherit = False
planet2D.OrbitVisible = True
planet2D.SubPlanetPointVisible = False
planet2D.SubPlanetLabelVisible = False

Create a New Planet
% IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object
planet = scenario.Children.New('ePlanet', 'Mars');
planet.CommonTasks.SetPositionSourceCentralBody('Mars', 'eEphemJPLDE');

Modify Planet 2D Properties
% IAgPlanet planet: Planet object
planet2D = planet.Graphics;
planet2D.Color = 255;   % Red
planet2D.Inherit = false;
planet2D.OrbitVisible = true;
planet2D.SubPlanetPointVisible = false;
planet2D.SubPlanetLabelVisible = false;

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