Interface which defines a radar receiver.
SetFilter | This method is deprecated. Use FilterComponentLinking on IAgRadarReceiver instead. Sets the current filter model by name. |
SetIFStcType | Set the IF STC Type. |
SetPolarizationType | Sets the current polarization type. |
SetRFStcType | Set the RF STC Type. |
AntennaToLnaLineLoss | Gets or sets the antenna to LNA line loss. |
EnableFilter | Gets or set the flag determines whether or not to enable the Filter. |
EnableIFStc | Gets or sets whether the IF STC is enabled. |
EnableOrthoPolarization | Gets or sets the option for enabling the orthogonal polarization. |
EnablePolarization | Gets or sets the enable polarization option. |
EnableRFStc | Gets or sets whether the RF STC is enabled. |
Filter | This property is deprecated. Use FilterComponentLinking on IAgRadarReceiver instead. Gets the current filter model. |
FilterComponentLinking | Gets the link/embed controller for managing the filter model component. |
Frequency | Gets or sets the receiver center frequency. |
IFStc | Gets the IF STC. |
LNABandwidth | Gets or sets the LNA bandwidth. |
LnaGain | Gets or sets the LNA gain. |
LnaToReceiverLineLoss | Gets or sets the LNA to receiver line loss. |
Polarization | Gets the polarization. |
PreReceiveGainsLosses | Gets the collection of additional pre-receive gains and losses. |
RainOutagePercent | Gets or sets the rain outage percent. |
RFStc | Gets the RF STC. |
SupportedFilters | This property is deprecated. Use FilterComponentLinking on IAgRadarReceiver instead. Gets an array of supported model names. |
SupportedIFStcTypes | Gets the IF STC Types. |
SupportedRainOutagePercentValues | Gets an array of supported rain outage percent values. |
SupportedRFStcTypes | Gets the RF STC Types. |
SystemNoiseTemperature | Gets the system noise temperature interface. |
UseRain | Gets or sets the option for computing rain loss. |
Name |
AgRadarReceiver |