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IAgRadarWaveformSarPulseDefinition Interface


Provides access to the properties and methods defining the pulse definition for a Sar waveform.

Public Properties

Public Property BandwidthGets or sets the bandwidth.
Public Property FMChirpRateGets or sets the FM chirp rate.
Public Property IFBandwidthGets or sets the IF bandwidth. This property is read only for monostatic radar systems.
Public Property NumberOfPulsesGets or sets the number of pulses.
Public Property PcrGets or sets the pulse compression ratio.
Public Property PcrModeGets or sets the pulse compression ratio mode enumeration.
Public Property PrfGets or sets the pulse repetition frequency.
Public Property PrfModeGets or sets the prf mode enumeration.
Public Property PulseWidthGets or sets the pulse width.
Public Property RangeBroadeningFactorGets or sets the range broadening factor. This property is read only for monostatic radar systems.
Public Property RangeResolutionGets or sets the range resolution.
Public Property RangeResolutionModeGets or sets the range resolution mode enumeration.
Public Property SceneDepthGets or sets the scene depth.
Public Property UnambiguousRangeGets or sets the unambiguous range.

CoClasses that Implement IAgRadarWaveformSarPulseDefinition

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