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IAgRadarWaveformSearchTrackPulseDefinition Interface


Provides access to the properties and methods defining the pulse definition for a search track waveform.

Public Properties

Public Property DutyFactorGets or sets the duty factor.
Public Property NumberOfPulsesGets or sets the number of pulses.
Public Property PrfGets or sets the pulse repetition frequency.
Public Property PrfModeGets or sets the prf mode enumeration.
Public Property PulseWidthGets or sets the pulse width.
Public Property PulseWidthModeGets or sets the pulse width mode enumeration
Public Property UnambiguousRangeGets or sets the unambiguous range.
Public Property UnambiguousVelocityGets or sets the unambiguous velocity.

CoClasses that Implement IAgRadarWaveformSearchTrackPulseDefinition

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