Provides access to the properties and methods defining a simple receiver model.
Public Methods
SetDemodulator | Sets the current demodulator model by name. |
SetFilter | This method is deprecated. Use FilterComponentLinking on IAgReceiverModelSimple instead. Sets the current filter model by name. |
SetPolarizationType | Sets the current polarization type. |
Public Properties
CoClasses that Implement IAgReceiverModelSimple
Compute a link budget for a Transmtiter and Receiver pair, using simple models
[C#] |
IAgStkObject xmtrAsStkObject = geoTransmitter as IAgStkObject;
IAgStkObject rcvrAsStkObject = facilityReceiver as IAgStkObject;
//Set the transmitter to the simple model
geoTransmitter.SetModel("Simple Transmitter Model");
IAgTransmitterModelSimple simpleTrans = geoTransmitter.Model as IAgTransmitterModelSimple;
//Set the simple transmitter model's frequency to 3.2 GHz
simpleTrans.Frequency = 3.2;
//Set the simple transmitter model's EIRP to 60 dBW
simpleTrans.Eirp = 60.0;
//Set the receiver to the simple model
facilityReceiver.SetModel("Simple Receiver Model");
IAgReceiverModelSimple simpleRcvr = facilityReceiver.Model as IAgReceiverModelSimple;
//Set the simple receiver model's G/T to 60 dB/K
simpleRcvr.GOverT = 60.0;
//Create an access object for the access between the transmitter and recevier objects
IAgStkAccess linkAccess = xmtrAsStkObject.GetAccessToObject(rcvrAsStkObject);
//Compute access
// Get the access intervals
IAgIntervalCollection accessIntervals = linkAccess.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes;
// Extract the access intervals and the range information for each access interval
Array dataPrvElements = new object[] { "Time", "Eb/No", "BER" };
IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = linkAccess.DataProviders["Link Information"] as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
for (int index0 = 0; index0 < accessIntervals.Count; ++index0)
object startTime = null, stopTime = null;
accessIntervals.GetInterval(index0, out startTime, out stopTime);
IAgDrResult result = dp.ExecElements(startTime, stopTime, 60, ref dataPrvElements);
Array timeValues = result.DataSets[0].GetValues();
Array ebno = result.DataSets[1].GetValues();
Array ber = result.DataSets[2].GetValues();
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < timeValues.GetLength(0); ++index1)
string time = (string)timeValues.GetValue(index1);
double ebnoVal = (double)ebno.GetValue(index1);
double berVal = (double)ber.GetValue(index1);
Console.WriteLine("{0}: Eb/No={1} BER={2}", time, ebnoVal, berVal);
Compute a link budget for a Transmtiter and Receiver pair, using simple models
[Visual Basic .NET] |
Dim xmtrAsStkObject As IAgStkObject = TryCast(geoTransmitter, IAgStkObject)
Dim rcvrAsStkObject As IAgStkObject = TryCast(facilityReceiver, IAgStkObject)
'Set the transmitter to the simple model
geoTransmitter.SetModel("Simple Transmitter Model")
Dim simpleTrans As IAgTransmitterModelSimple = TryCast(geoTransmitter.Model, IAgTransmitterModelSimple)
'Set the simple transmitter model's frequency to 3.2 GHz
simpleTrans.Frequency = 3.2
'Set the simple transmitter model's EIRP to 60 dBW
simpleTrans.Eirp = 60
'Set the receiver to the simple model
facilityReceiver.SetModel("Simple Receiver Model")
Dim simpleRcvr As IAgReceiverModelSimple = TryCast(facilityReceiver.Model, IAgReceiverModelSimple)
'Set the simple receiver model's G/T to 60 dB/K
simpleRcvr.GOverT = 60
'Create an access object for the access between the transmitter and recevier objects
Dim linkAccess As IAgStkAccess = xmtrAsStkObject.GetAccessToObject(rcvrAsStkObject)
'Compute access
' Get the access intervals
Dim accessIntervals As IAgIntervalCollection = linkAccess.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes
' Extract the access intervals and the range information for each access interval
Dim dataPrvElements As Array = New Object() {"Time", "Eb/No", "BER"}
Dim dp As IAgDataPrvTimeVar = TryCast(linkAccess.DataProviders("Link Information"), IAgDataPrvTimeVar)
Dim index0 As Integer = 0
While index0 < accessIntervals.Count
Dim startTime As Object = Nothing, stopTime As Object = Nothing
accessIntervals.GetInterval(index0, startTime, stopTime)
Dim result As IAgDrResult = dp.ExecElements(startTime, stopTime, 60, dataPrvElements)
Dim timeValues As Array = result.DataSets(0).GetValues()
Dim ebno As Array = result.DataSets(1).GetValues()
Dim ber As Array = result.DataSets(2).GetValues()
Dim index1 As Integer = 0
While index1 < timeValues.GetLength(0)
Dim time As String = DirectCast(timeValues.GetValue(index1), String)
Dim ebnoVal As Double = DirectCast(ebno.GetValue(index1), Double)
Dim berVal As Double = DirectCast(ber.GetValue(index1), Double)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: Eb/No={1} BER={2}", time, ebnoVal, berVal)
End While
End While