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IAgSaGraphics Interface


Satellite 2D Graphics properties.

Public Methods

Public Method IsAttributesTypeSupportedGets a value indicating whether the specified type can be used
Public Method SetAttributesTypeSets the attributes type.

Public Properties

Public Property AttributesGet the satellite's 2D Graphics Attributes.
Public Property AttributesSupportedTypesReturns an array of valid choices.
Public Property AttributesTypeType of 2D Graphics attributes: basic, access intervals or custom intervals.
Public Property ElevContoursGet the satellite's Elevation Contours properties.
Public Property GroundEllipsesGet the satellite's Ground Ellipses properties.
Public Property GroundTrackCentralBodyDisplayGets the ground track display central bodies.
Public Property IsObjectGraphicsVisibleSpecify whether graphics attributes of the satellite are visible.
Public Property LabelNameThe user-specified name to use as a label for the satellite.
Public Property LabelNotesNotes attached to the object and displayed in the 2D and 3D Graphics windows.
Public Property LightingGet the satellite's Lighting properties.
Public Property PassDataGet the leading/trailing ground track and orbit settings of the satellite's Pass properties.
Public Property PassesGet the pass display settings of the satellite's Pass properties.
Public Property RadarCrossSectionGets the radar cross section graphics interface.
Public Property RangeContoursGet the satellite's Range Contours properties.
Public Property ResolutionGet the path resolution settings of the satellite's Pass properties.
Public Property SAAGet the satellite's South Atlantic Anomaly Contour properties.
Public Property SwathGet the satellite's Swath properties.
Public Property TimeEventsGet the satellite's TimeEvents properties.
Public Property UseInstNameLabelSpecify whether to use the name of the satellite (as shown in the Object Browser) as its label.


Change the Display Label of the vehicle
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
satellite.Graphics.UseInstNameLabel = False
satellite.Graphics.LabelName = 'Python Satellite'

Change the Display Label of the vehicle
% IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
satellite.Graphics.UseInstNameLabel = false;
satellite.Graphics.LabelName = 'Matlab Satellite';

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