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IAgSc3dFont Interface


IAgSc3dFont Interface.

Public Methods

Public Method IsFontAvailableReturns whether the specified font is installed in the system

Public Properties

Public Property AvailableFontsNames of fonts installed in the system.
Public Property BoldSpecify whether the font is bold.
Public Property ItalicSpecify whether the font is italic.
Public Property NameThe font name.
Public Property PtSizeFont size in points.


Configure scenario text font
IAgSc3dFont fonts = scenario.VO.LargeFont;

fonts.Bold = true;
fonts.Italic = true;
fonts.PtSize = AgESc3dPtSize.eSc3dFontSize36;

if (fonts.IsFontAvailable("Impact"))
    fonts.Name = "Impact";

// AvailableFonts returns a one dimensional array of font strings
Array allFonts = fonts.AvailableFonts;
int index = Array.IndexOf(allFonts, "Courier");
if (index != -1)
    fonts.Name = allFonts.GetValue(index) as string;
Configure scenario text font
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim fonts As IAgSc3dFont = scenario.VO.LargeFont

fonts.Bold = True
fonts.Italic = True
fonts.PtSize = AgESc3dPtSize.eSc3dFontSize36

If fonts.IsFontAvailable("Impact") Then
	fonts.Name = "Impact"
End If

' AvailableFonts returns a one dimensional array of font strings
Dim allFonts As Array = fonts.AvailableFonts
Dim index As Integer = Array.IndexOf(allFonts, "Courier")
If index <> -1 Then
	fonts.Name = TryCast(allFonts.GetValue(index), String)
End If
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