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IAgScAnimation Interface


IAgScAnimation Interface for Scenario-level properties that control the animation cycle, animation step definition and the intervals between refresh updates in the 2D and 3D windows.

Public Methods

Public Method GetTimeArrayComponentReturns a time array component used to configure the time array or null if component has not been configured yet.
Public Method GetTimeArrayQualifiedPathReturns the time array component's qualified path or null if no component has been configured yet.
Public Method ResetTimeArrayComponentRemoves and resets the display configuration by unsetting currently set time array component (if any).
Public Method SetTimeArrayComponentConfigure the time array using the specified time component. Allowed are only event arrays.
Public Method SetTimeArrayQualifiedPathConfigure the time array using the specified time component. Allowed are only event arrays. QualifiedPath format adheres to the format used throughout VGT API (i.e. \"Scenario/Scenario1 OneMinuteSampleTimes EventArray\").

Public Properties

Public Property AnimCycleTimeAnimation end time. Uses DateFormat Dimension.
Public Property AnimCycleTypeAnimation end time or loop-at time. A member of the AgEScEndLoopType enumeration.
Public Property AnimStepTypeTime step, real time (with offset) or a multiple of real time. A member of the AgEScTimeStepType enumeration.
Public Property AnimStepValueAnimation time step. Dimension depends on context.
Public Property ContinueXRealtimeFromPauseAnimation XRealtime Continue from Paused Time.
Public Property EnableAnimCycleTimeEnable a selection between end time and loop-at time.
Public Property RefreshDeltaRefresh Delta property, the amount of time between refresh updates. The actual refresh delta is limited by the minimum time necessary to draw the scenario. The refresh time varies with processor performance, graphics hardware and scenario complexity. Uses Time Dimension.
Public Property RefreshDeltaTypeRefresh Delta or high speed. A member of the AgEScRefreshDeltaType enumeration.
Public Property StartTimeAnimation start time. Uses DateFormat Dimension.
Public Property TimeArrayIncrementAnimation Time Array Increment
Public Property TimePeriodAllows the user to configure the scenario's animation time period


Configure scenario animation
IAgScAnimation animation = scenario.Animation;

animation.StartTime = "1 Jun 2004 12:00:00.00";
animation.EnableAnimCycleTime = true;
animation.AnimCycleType = AgEScEndLoopType.eEndTime;
animation.AnimCycleTime = "2 Jun 2004 12:00:00.00";
animation.AnimStepValue = 1000;
animation.RefreshDeltaType = AgEScRefreshDeltaType.eRefreshDelta;
animation.RefreshDelta = 0.02;
Configure scenario animation
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim animation As IAgScAnimation = scenario.Animation

animation.StartTime = "1 Jun 2004 12:00:00.00"
animation.EnableAnimCycleTime = True
animation.AnimCycleType = AgEScEndLoopType.eEndTime
animation.AnimCycleTime = "2 Jun 2004 12:00:00.00"
animation.AnimStepValue = 1000
animation.RefreshDeltaType = AgEScRefreshDeltaType.eRefreshDelta
animation.RefreshDelta = 0.02
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