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IAgScGraphics Interface


IAgScGraphics Interface for Scenario-level 2D Graphics attributes.

Public Methods

Public Method HideObjectHides the object identified by its path in a specified 2D window. Users can specify either a window identifier or a window title or 'all' to hide the object in all 2d windows.
Public Method HideObjectsHides multiple objects in a specified 2D window. Users can specify either a window identifier or a window title or 'all' to hide objects in all 2d windows.
Public Method ShowObjectShows the object identified by its path in a specified 2D window. Users can specify either a window identifier or a window title or 'all' to show the object in all 2d windows.
Public Method ShowObjectsShows multiple objects in a specified 2D window. Users can specify either a window identifier or a window title or 'all' to show the objects in all 2d windows.

Public Properties

Public Property AccessAnimHighSpecify whether to display access animation highlights, i.e. boxes around objects participating in an access.
Public Property AccessLineStyleLine style of lines between objects participating in an access.
Public Property AccessLinesVisibleSpecify whether to display lines during animation between objects participating in an access.
Public Property AccessLinesWidthLine width of lines between objects participating in an access.
Public Property AccessStatHighSpecify whether to display access static highlights, i.e. thick lines overlying the ground track of a vehicle during access periods.
Public Property AllowAnimUpdateSpecify whether to allow animation updates.
Public Property CentroidsVisibleSpecify whether to display area target centroids.
Public Property ElsetNumVisibleSpecify whether to display satellite elset numbers.
Public Property GndMarkersVisibleSpecify whether to display vehicle ground markers.
Public Property GndTracksVisibleSpecify whether to display vehicle ground tracks.
Public Property InertialPosLabelsVisibleSpecify whether to display labels at the inertial positions of planets.
Public Property InertialPosVisibleSpecify whether to display the inertial positions of planets.
Public Property LabelsVisibleSpecify whether to show labels of objects on the 2D map (general).
Public Property OrbitMarkersVisibleSpecify whether to display satellite orbit markers and missile and launch vehicle trajectory markers.
Public Property OrbitsVisibleSpecify whether to display satellite orbits and trajectories of missiles and launch vehicles.
Public Property PlanetOrbitsVisibleSpecify whether to display planetary orbits.
Public Property SensorsVisibleSpecify whether to show sensors on the 2D map.
Public Property SubPlanetLabelsVisibleSpecify whether to display labels for sub-planet points.
Public Property SubPlanetPointsVisibleSpecify whether to display sub-planet points.
Public Property TextOutlineColorDefault text outline color
Public Property TextOutlineStyleDefault text outline style


Set scenario display to hide and show STK Objects in a specified 2D window
IAgScGraphics gfx = scenario.Graphics;

// Individually
gfx.HideObject("Facility/facility1", "all");
gfx.ShowObject("Facility/facility1", "1");

// In Batches
// HideObjects and ShowObjects expects as the first parameter a one dimensional array of object paths
Array objects = new object[]
gfx.HideObjects(ref objects, "1");
gfx.ShowObjects(ref objects, "all");
Set scenario display to hide and show STK Objects in a specified 2D window
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim gfx As IAgScGraphics = scenario.Graphics

' Individually
gfx.HideObject("Facility/facility1", "all")
gfx.ShowObject("Facility/facility1", "1")

' In Batches
' HideObjects and ShowObjects expects as the first parameter a one dimensional array of object paths
Dim objects As Array = New Object() {"Facility/facility1", "Facility/facility2"}
gfx.HideObjects(objects, "1")
gfx.ShowObjects(objects, "all")
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