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IAgSensor Interface


Provides access to the properties and methods used in defining a sensor object.

Public Methods

Public Method GetStarsInFOVReturns celestial bodies within the sensor's field of view.
Public Method IsRefractionTypeSupportedGets a value indicating whether the specified type can be used
Public Method ResetAzElMaskMethod to reset the az-el mask.
Public Method SetAzElMaskMethod to set the az-el mask type, using the AgEAzElMaskType enumeration.
Public Method SetAzElMaskFilePath and file name of az-el mask file.
Public Method SetLocationTypeThe sensor's location type, a member of the AgESnLocation enumeration.
Public Method SetPatternTypeSets the pattern type.
Public Method SetPointingExternalFileMethod to set the external pointing type.
Public Method SetPointingType

Method to set the sensor's pointing type, using the AgESnPointing enumeration.

Note: you cannot specify the eSnPtExternal enumeration using this method. To set sensor pointing using an external file, you must use the SetPointingExternalFile method.

Public Properties

Public Property AccessConstraintsGet constraints imposed on the sensor.
Public Property AzElMaskGet the az-el mask
Public Property AzElMaskDataGet az-el mask data for the sensor.
Public Property CommonTasksReturns an interface that exposes common tasks.
Public Property DetectorPitchDetector pitch used in defining senor resolution. Uses SmallDistanceUnit Dimension.
Public Property FocalLengthFocal length used in defining sensor resolution. Uses SmallDistanceUnit Dimension.
Public Property GraphicsGet the 2D Graphics properties for the sensor.
Public Property LocationDataGet location data for the sensor. The sensor's center point is invalid; all other points are valid choices for the location data.
Public Property LocationTypeThe location type being used by the sensor.
Public Property PatternGet data defining the sensor pattern.
Public Property PatternTypeCriterion for defining the sensor pattern. A member of the AgESnPattern enumeration.
Public Property PointingGet pointing data for the sensor.
Public Property PointingTypeThe sensor's pointing type. A member of the AgESnPointing enumeration.
Public Property RefractionRefraction method, a member of the AgESnRefractionType enumeration.
Public Property RefractionModelGets a refraction model
Public Property RefractionSupportedTypesReturns an array of valid choices
Public Property SwathGet the sensor's swath.
Public Property UseRefractionInAccessFlag controls whether refraction is applied when computing relative position in Access
Public Property VOGet the 3D Graphics properties for the sensor.


CoClasses that Implement IAgSensor


Attach a Sensor Object to a Vehicle
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
sensor = satellite.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eSensor, 'MySensor')

Set Sensor Properties
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
# Change pattern and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternRectangular(20, 25)
# Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAzEl(90, 60, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightRotate)
# Change location and set
sensor.LocationData.AssignCartesian(-.0004, -.0004, .004)

Sensor Body Mask
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
sensor.SetAzElMaskFile(r'C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Data\Resources\stktraining\text\BodyMask_hga.bmsk')

Attach a Sensor Object to a Vehicle
% IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
sensor = satellite.Children.New('eSensor', 'MySensor');

Set Sensor Properties
% IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
% Change pattern and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternRectangular(20, 25);
% Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAzEl(90, 60, 'eAzElAboutBoresightRotate');
% Change location and set
sensor.LocationData.AssignCartesian(-.0004, -.0004, .004);

Set a Targeted Sensor
% IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingTargetedTracking('eTrackModeTranspond', 'eBoresightRotate', '*/AreaTarget/MyAreaTarget');

Sensor Body Mask
% IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
sensor.SetAzElMaskFile('C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Data\Resources\stktraining\text\BodyMask_hga.bmsk');

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