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IAgShip Interface


Interface for a ship object.

Public Properties

Public Property AtmosphereThis property is deprecated. The new RFEnvironment property can be used to configure atmospheric models.
Public Property ExportToolsReturns the IAgShExportTools interface.
Public Property GetEOIRGet the EOIR properties of the ship.
Public Property GraphicsGet the ship's 2D Graphics properties.
Public Property LaserEnvironmentGets the laser environment.
Public Property LightingMaxStepCbShapeThe maximum step size to use when computing lighting when UseTerrainInLightingComputations is false. Uses Time Dimension.
Public Property LightingMaxStepTerrainThe maximum step size to use when computing lighting when UseTerrainInLightingComputations is true. Uses Time Dimension.
Public Property RadarClutterMapReturns the radar clutter map.
Public Property RadarCrossSectionReturns the radar cross sectoin.
Public Property RFEnvironmentGets the RF environment.
Public Property VOGet the ship's 3D Graphics properties.


CoClasses that Implement IAgShip



Create a ship (on current scenario central body)
// Create the Ship
IAgShip ship = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eShip, "MyShip") as IAgShip;
Set ship to use Great Arc propagator
// Set ship route to great arc

// Retrieve propagator interface if necessary
IAgVePropagatorGreatArc propagator = ship.Route as IAgVePropagatorGreatArc;
Set ship to use STK External propagator
// Set ship route to STK External propagator

// Retrieve propagator interface if necessary
IAgVePropagatorStkExternal propagator = ship.Route as IAgVePropagatorStkExternal;
Set ship to use Realtime propagator
// Set ship route to STK External propagator

// Retrieve propagator interface if necessary
IAgVePropagatorRealtime propagator = ship.Route as IAgVePropagatorRealtime;
Create a ship (on current scenario central body)
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Create the Ship
Dim ship As IAgShip = TryCast(root.CurrentScenario.Children.[New](AgESTKObjectType.eShip, "MyShip"), IAgShip)
Set ship to use Great Arc propagator
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Set ship route to great arc

' Retrieve propagator interface if necessary
Dim propagator As IAgVePropagatorGreatArc = TryCast(ship.Route, IAgVePropagatorGreatArc)
Set ship to use STK External propagator
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Set ship route to STK External propagator

' Retrieve propagator interface if necessary
Dim propagator As IAgVePropagatorStkExternal = TryCast(ship.Route, IAgVePropagatorStkExternal)
Set ship to use Realtime propagator
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Set ship route to STK External propagator

' Retrieve propagator interface if necessary
Dim propagator As IAgVePropagatorRealtime = TryCast(ship.Route, IAgVePropagatorRealtime)
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