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IAgSnCommonTasks Interface


The common tasks available for the sensor object.

Public Methods

Public Method SetPatternComplexConicDefines the sensor using a complex conic pattern.
Public Method SetPatternCustomDefines the sensor using a custom pattern.
Public Method SetPatternEOIRDefines the sensor using a EOIR pattern.
Public Method SetPatternHalfPowerDefines the sensor using a half power pattern.
Public Method SetPatternRectangularDefines the sensor using a rectangular pattern.
Public Method SetPatternSARDefines the sensor using a SAR pattern.
Public Method SetPatternSimpleConicDefines the sensor using a simple conic pattern.
Public Method SetPointing3DModelSets the pointing method to 3DModel.
Public Method SetPointingAlongVectorSets the pointing method to Along Vector.
Public Method SetPointingFixedAxesAzElSets the pointing method to FixedAxes with an AzEl orientation.
Public Method SetPointingFixedAxesEulerSets the pointing method to FixedAxes with a Euler Angles orientation.
Public Method SetPointingFixedAxesQuatSets the pointing method to FixedAxes with a Quaternion orientation.
Public Method SetPointingFixedAxesYPRSets the pointing method to FixedAxes with a YPR Angles orientation.
Public Method SetPointingFixedAzElSets the pointing method to Fixed with an AzEl orientation.
Public Method SetPointingFixedEulerSets the pointing method to Fixed with a Euler Angles orientation.
Public Method SetPointingFixedQuatSets the pointing method to Fixed with a Quaternion orientation.
Public Method SetPointingFixedYPRSets the pointing method to Fixed with a YPR Angles orientation.
Public Method SetPointingGrazingAltSets the pointing method to GrazingAlt.
Public Method SetPointingSpinningSets the pointing method to Spinning.
Public Method SetPointingTargetedTrackingSets the pointing method to Targeted with Tracking.


Define a simple conic sensor
IAgSnSimpleConicPattern patternData = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternSimpleConic(40.0, 0.1);
Define a complex sensor
IAgSnComplexConicPattern patterndata = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternComplexConic(10.0, 70.0, 20.0, 220.0);
patterndata.AngularResolution = 0.5;
Define a custom sensor
// Set pattern type to Custom
IAgSnCustomPattern customPattern = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternCustom(sensorPatternPath);
customPattern.AngularResolution = 6.0;
customPattern.UseNativeResolution = false;
Define a half power sensor
// Configure pattern
IAgSnHalfPowerPattern pattern = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternHalfPower(12.5, 3.4, 6.0);
Define a SAR sensor
// Configure pattern
IAgSnSARPattern patterndata = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternSAR(10.0, 60.0, 40.0, 30.0, 700.0);
Define sensor pointing fixed AzEl
IAgSnPtFixed fixedSensor = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAzEl(4.5, -45.0, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightRotate);
Define sensor pointing fixed axes AzEl
IAgSnPtFixedAxes fixedAxesSensor = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesAzEl("CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes", 11, 22, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightHold);
Define sensor pointing fixed Euler
IAgSnPtFixed fixedSensor = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedEuler(AgEEulerOrientationSequence.e132, 30, 40, 50);
Define sensor pointing fixed axes Euler
IAgSnPtFixedAxes fixedAxesSensor = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesEuler("CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes", AgEEulerOrientationSequence.e132, 30, 40, 50);
Define sensor pointing fixed Quaternion
IAgSnPtFixed fixedSensor = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedQuat(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);
Define sensor pointing fixed axes Quaternion
IAgSnPtFixedAxes fixedAxesSensor = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesQuat("CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes", 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);
Define sensor pointing fixed YPR
IAgSnPtFixed fixedSensor = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedYPR(AgEYPRAnglesSequence.eRPY, 12, 24, 36);
Define sensor pointing fixed axes YPR
IAgSnPtFixedAxes fixedAxesSensor = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesYPR("CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes", AgEYPRAnglesSequence.eRYP, 11, 22, 33);
Define targeted sensor pointing
IAgSnPtTargeted targetedSensor = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingTargetedTracking(
    AgETrackModeType.eTrackModeTransmit, AgEBoresightType.eBoresightLevel, "*/AreaTarget/AreaTarget1");
Define spinning sensor pointing (using common tasks)
// Configure sensor (using common taks)
Define a simple conic sensor
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim patternData As IAgSnSimpleConicPattern = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternSimpleConic(40, 0.1)
Define a complex sensor
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim patterndata As IAgSnComplexConicPattern = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternComplexConic(10, 70, 20, 220)
patterndata.AngularResolution = 0.5
Define a custom sensor
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Set pattern type to Custom
Dim customPattern As IAgSnCustomPattern = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternCustom(sensorPatternPath)
customPattern.AngularResolution = 6
customPattern.UseNativeResolution = False
Define a half power sensor
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Configure pattern
Dim pattern As IAgSnHalfPowerPattern = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternHalfPower(12.5, 3.4, 6)
Define a SAR sensor
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Configure pattern
Dim patterndata As IAgSnSARPattern = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternSAR(10, 60, 40, 30, 700)
Define sensor pointing fixed AzEl
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim fixedSensor As IAgSnPtFixed = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAzEl(4.5, -45, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightRotate)
Define sensor pointing fixed axes AzEl
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim fixedAxesSensor As IAgSnPtFixedAxes = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesAzEl("CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes", 11, 22, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightHold)
Define sensor pointing fixed Euler
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim fixedSensor As IAgSnPtFixed = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedEuler(AgEEulerOrientationSequence.e132, 30, 40, 50)
Define sensor pointing fixed axes Euler
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim fixedAxesSensor As IAgSnPtFixedAxes = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesEuler("CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes", AgEEulerOrientationSequence.e132, 30, 40, 50)
Define sensor pointing fixed Quaternion
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim fixedSensor As IAgSnPtFixed = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedQuat(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)
Define sensor pointing fixed axes Quaternion
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim fixedAxesSensor As IAgSnPtFixedAxes = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesQuat("CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes", 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)
Define sensor pointing fixed YPR
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim fixedSensor As IAgSnPtFixed = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedYPR(AgEYPRAnglesSequence.eRPY, 12, 24, 36)
Define sensor pointing fixed axes YPR
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim fixedAxesSensor As IAgSnPtFixedAxes = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesYPR("CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes", AgEYPRAnglesSequence.eRYP, 11, 22, 33)
Define targeted sensor pointing
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim targetedSensor As IAgSnPtTargeted = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingTargetedTracking(AgETrackModeType.eTrackModeTransmit, AgEBoresightType.eBoresightLevel, "*/AreaTarget/AreaTarget1")
Define spinning sensor pointing (using common tasks)
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Configure sensor (using common taks)
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingSpinning(14.24, 7.68, 42.46, AgESnScanMode.eSnContinuous, 88.921, 110.44, _
	1.2, 3.5)
Define sensor pointing fixed AzEl
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
# Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAzEl(4.5, -45.0, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightRotate)

Define sensor pointing fixed axes AzEl
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
# Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesAzEl('CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes', 11, 22, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightHold)

Define sensor pointing fixed Euler
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
# Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedEuler(AgEEulerOrientationSequence.e132, 30, 40, 50)

Define sensor pointing fixed axes Euler
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
# Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesEuler('CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes', AgEEulerOrientationSequence.e132, 30, 40, 50)

Define sensor pointing fixed Quaternion
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
# Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedQuat(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)

Define sensor pointing fixed axes Quaternion
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
# Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesQuat('CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes', 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)

Define sensor pointing fixed YPR
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
# Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedYPR(AgEYPRAnglesSequence.eRPY, 12, 24, 36)

Define sensor pointing fixed axes YPR
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
# Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesYPR('CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes', AgEYPRAnglesSequence.eRYP, 11, 22, 33)

Define sensor pointing fixed AzEl
% IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
% Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAzEl(4.5, -45.0, 'eAzElAboutBoresightRotate')

Define sensor pointing fixed axes AzEl
% IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
% Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesAzEl('CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes', 11, 22, 'eAzElAboutBoresightHold')

Define sensor pointing fixed Euler
% IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
% Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedEuler('e132', 30, 40, 50)

Define sensor pointing fixed axes Euler
% IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
% Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesEuler('CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes', 'e132', 30, 40, 50)

Define sensor pointing fixed Quaternion
% IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
% Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedQuat(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)

Define sensor pointing fixed axes Quaternion
% IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
% Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesQuat('CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes', 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)

Define sensor pointing fixed YPR
% IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
% Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedYPR('eRPY', 12, 24, 36)

Define sensor pointing fixed axes YPR
% IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
% Change pointing and set
sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAxesYPR('CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes', 'eRYP', 11, 22, 33)

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