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IAgSnPtTargeted Interface


IAgSnPtTargeted Interface for targeted sensors.

Public Properties

Public Property AccessTimesGet the access periods between the sensor and its target(s).
Public Property AdvancedGet advanced targeting properties used for access computations
Public Property AvailableTargetsGet the collection of objects available as targets for the sensor.
Public Property BoresightThe targeted sensor's boresight type, a member of the AgESnPtTrgtBsightType enumeration.
Public Property BoresightDataGet orientation data for the selected boresight type.
Public Property EnableAccessTimesOpt whether to use periods of access between the sensor and its target(s) as target times.
Public Property SaveTargetAccessWhether to Save Target Access
Public Property ScheduleTimesGet the user-scheduled target times.
Public Property TargetsGet the collection of objects assigned as targets for the sensor.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgSnPtTargeted


Define targeted sensor pointing
IAgSnPtTargeted targetedSensor = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingTargetedTracking(
    AgETrackModeType.eTrackModeTransmit, AgEBoresightType.eBoresightLevel, "*/AreaTarget/AreaTarget1");
Define targeted sensor pointing
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim targetedSensor As IAgSnPtTargeted = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingTargetedTracking(AgETrackModeType.eTrackModeTransmit, AgEBoresightType.eBoresightLevel, "*/AreaTarget/AreaTarget1")
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