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IAgStkAccess Interface


Provides access to the Data Providers and access computations.

Public Methods

Public Method ClearAccessClears the access intervals, but not the definitional settings of the access object itself (like step size, light time delay settings, time interval, etc.).
Public Method ComputeAccessRecomputes the access between two objects. Calls to ComputeAccess should not be made between calls to BeginUpdate and EndUpdate.
Public Method RemoveAccessRemoves the access that was computed between two objects.
Public Method SpecifyAccessEventIntervalsAccess is computed using the intervals in the specified event interval list.
Public Method SpecifyAccessIntervalsAllows a list of intervals to be used for the access calculation.
Public Method SpecifyAccessTimePeriodIf eUserSpec is selected for AccessTimePeriod, specify the start and stop times for the user-defined period.

Public Properties

Public Property AccessTimePeriodSpecifies the time period option. A member of the AgEAccessTimeType enumeration.
Public Property AccessTimePeriodDataReturns an IAgIntervalCollection if AccessTimePeriod is eAccessTimeIntervals; returns an IAgAccessTimePeriod if AccessTimePeriod is eUserSpecAccessTime; returns an IAgAccessTimeEventIntervals if AccessTimePeriod is eAccessTimeEventIntervals.
Public Property AdvancedGets the Advanced properties for the Access computations.
Public Property BaseBase object used in the access.
Public Property ComputedAccessIntervalTimesReturns a list of the computed access interval times.
Public Property DataDisplaysGets the VO Data Display Collection.
Public Property DataProvidersReturns the object representing a list of available data providers for the object.
Public Property GraphicsGets the Graphics properties for the Access computations.
Public Property NameName of the access.
Public Property SaveComputedDataFlag indicating whether to save computed data with the Access instance.
Public Property TargetTarget object used in the access.
Public Property VgtGets a VGT provider to access the analytical vector geometry, timeline, calculation and other types of components.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgStkAccess


Compute an access between two STK Objects (using object path)
// Get access by object path
IAgStkAccess access = stkObject.GetAccess("Facility/fac1");

// Compute access
Compute an access between two STK Objects (using IAgStkObject interface)
// Get access by STK Object
IAgStkAccess access = stkObject1.GetAccessToObject(stkObject2);

// Compute access
Compute an access and get constraint data from data provider
// Compute Access between the facility and the satellite
IAgStkObject sat1 = root.GetObjectFromPath("Satellite/Satellite1");
IAgStkObject fac1 = root.GetObjectFromPath("Facility/Facility1");
IAgStkAccess access = sat1.GetAccessToObject(fac1);

// Get the access intervals
IAgIntervalCollection accessIntervals = access.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes;

// Set unit preferences - change to get your preferred units
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Distance", "km");
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Angle", "deg");
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Time", "sec");
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("DateFormat", "UTCG");

// Extract the access intervals and the range information for each access interval
Array dataPrvElements = new object[]
        "Time", "FromAngularRate", "FromRange"

IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = access.DataProviders["Constraint Data"] as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;

for (int index0 = 0; index0 < accessIntervals.Count; ++index0)
    object startTime = null, stopTime = null;

    accessIntervals.GetInterval(index0, out startTime, out stopTime);

    Console.WriteLine("Access Interval #{0} - Start={1} Stop={2}", index0, startTime, stopTime);

    IAgDrResult result = dp.ExecElements(startTime, stopTime, 60, ref dataPrvElements);

    Array timeValues = result.DataSets[0].GetValues();
    Array fromAngularRateValues = result.DataSets[1].GetValues();
    Array fromRangeValues = result.DataSets[2].GetValues();

    for (int index1 = 0; index1 < timeValues.GetLength(0); ++index1)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: FromAngularRate={1} FromRange={2}",

Configure the access analysis time period to specified time instants.
IAgStkObject uav = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Aircraft/UAV");
IAgStkObject sensor = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Aircraft/UAV/Sensor/UAVSensor");
IAgStkObject coloradoSprings = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Place/ColoradoSprings");

// For this code snippet, let's use the time interval when the UAV reached min and max altitude values.
// Note, this assumes time at min happens before time at max.
IAgCrdnEvent timeOfAltMin = uav.Vgt.Events["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMin"];
IAgCrdnEvent timeOfAltMax = uav.Vgt.Events["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMax"];

// Set the access time period with the times we figured out above.
IAgStkAccess access = sensor.GetAccessToObject(coloradoSprings);
access.AccessTimePeriod = AgEAccessTimeType.eUserSpecAccessTime;
IAgAccessTimePeriod accessTimePeriod = access.AccessTimePeriodData as IAgAccessTimePeriod;

accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.State = AgECrdnSmartIntervalState.eCrdnSmartIntervalStateStartStop;

IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch accessStartEpoch = accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.GetStartEpoch();

IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch accessStopEpoch = accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.GetStopEpoch();
Configure the access interval to the availability time span of the object where access is being computed to.
IAgStkObject satellite = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Satellite/GEO");
IAgStkObject otherObject = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Aircraft/UAV/Sensor/UAVSensor");
IAgStkAccess access = satellite.GetAccessToObject(otherObject);

access.AccessTimePeriod = AgEAccessTimeType.eUserSpecAccessTime;
IAgAccessTimePeriod accessTimePeriod = access.AccessTimePeriodData as IAgAccessTimePeriod;

if (otherObject.Vgt.EventIntervals.Contains("AvailabilityTimeSpan"))
    IAgCrdnEventInterval availabilityTimeSpan = otherObject.Vgt.EventIntervals["AvailabilityTimeSpan"];
Compute an access between two STK Objects (using object path)
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get access by object path
Dim access As IAgStkAccess = stkObject.GetAccess("Facility/fac1")

' Compute access
Compute an access between two STK Objects (using IAgStkObject interface)
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get access by STK Object
Dim access As IAgStkAccess = stkObject1.GetAccessToObject(stkObject2)

' Compute access
Compute an access and get constraint data from data provider
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Compute Access between the facility and the satellite
Dim sat1 As IAgStkObject = root.GetObjectFromPath("Satellite/Satellite1")
Dim fac1 As IAgStkObject = root.GetObjectFromPath("Facility/Facility1")
Dim access As IAgStkAccess = sat1.GetAccessToObject(fac1)

' Get the access intervals
Dim accessIntervals As IAgIntervalCollection = access.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes

' Set unit preferences - change to get your preferred units
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Distance", "km")
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Angle", "deg")
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Time", "sec")
root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("DateFormat", "UTCG")

' Extract the access intervals and the range information for each access interval
Dim dataPrvElements As Array = New Object() {"Time", "FromAngularRate", "FromRange"}

Dim dp As IAgDataPrvTimeVar = TryCast(access.DataProviders("Constraint Data"), IAgDataPrvTimeVar)

Dim index0 As Integer = 0
While index0 < accessIntervals.Count
	Dim startTime As Object = Nothing, stopTime As Object = Nothing

	accessIntervals.GetInterval(index0, startTime, stopTime)

	Console.WriteLine("Access Interval #{0} - Start={1} Stop={2}", index0, startTime, stopTime)

	Dim result As IAgDrResult = dp.ExecElements(startTime, stopTime, 60, dataPrvElements)

	Dim timeValues As Array = result.DataSets(0).GetValues()
	Dim fromAngularRateValues As Array = result.DataSets(1).GetValues()
	Dim fromRangeValues As Array = result.DataSets(2).GetValues()

	Dim index1 As Integer = 0
	While index1 < timeValues.GetLength(0)
		Console.WriteLine("{0}: FromAngularRate={1} FromRange={2}", timeValues.GetValue(index1), fromAngularRateValues.GetValue(index1), fromRangeValues.GetValue(index1))
	End While

End While
Configure the access analysis time period to specified time instants.
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim uav As IAgStkObject = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Aircraft/UAV")
Dim sensor As IAgStkObject = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Aircraft/UAV/Sensor/UAVSensor")
Dim coloradoSprings As IAgStkObject = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Place/ColoradoSprings")

' For this code snippet, let's use the time interval when the UAV reached min and max altitude values.
' Note, this assumes time at min happens before time at max.
Dim timeOfAltMin As IAgCrdnEvent = uav.Vgt.Events("GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMin")
Dim timeOfAltMax As IAgCrdnEvent = uav.Vgt.Events("GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMax")

' Set the access time period with the times we figured out above.
Dim access As IAgStkAccess = sensor.GetAccessToObject(coloradoSprings)
access.AccessTimePeriod = AgEAccessTimeType.eUserSpecAccessTime
Dim accessTimePeriod As IAgAccessTimePeriod = TryCast(access.AccessTimePeriodData, IAgAccessTimePeriod)

accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.State = AgECrdnSmartIntervalState.eCrdnSmartIntervalStateStartStop

Dim accessStartEpoch As IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch = accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.GetStartEpoch()

Dim accessStopEpoch As IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch = accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.GetStopEpoch()
Configure the access interval to the availability time span of the object where access is being computed to.
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim satellite As IAgStkObject = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Satellite/GEO")
Dim otherObject As IAgStkObject = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Aircraft/UAV/Sensor/UAVSensor")
Dim access As IAgStkAccess = satellite.GetAccessToObject(otherObject)

access.AccessTimePeriod = AgEAccessTimeType.eUserSpecAccessTime
Dim accessTimePeriod As IAgAccessTimePeriod = TryCast(access.AccessTimePeriodData, IAgAccessTimePeriod)

If otherObject.Vgt.EventIntervals.Contains("AvailabilityTimeSpan") Then
	Dim availabilityTimeSpan As IAgCrdnEventInterval = otherObject.Vgt.EventIntervals("AvailabilityTimeSpan")
End If
Compute an access between two STK Objects (using IAgStkObject interface)
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
# IAgFacility facility: Facility object

# Get access by STK Object
access = satellite.GetAccessToObject(facility)

# Compute access

Compute an access between two STK Objects (using object path)
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

# Get access by object path
access = satellite.GetAccess('Facility/MyFacility')

# Compute access

Compute Access with Advanced Settings
[Python - STK API]
# IAgStkAccess access: Access object

access.Advanced.EnableLightTimeDelay = True
access.Advanced.TimeLightDelayConvergence = .00005
access.Advanced.AberrationType = AgEAberrationType.eAberrationAnnual
access.Advanced.UseDefaultClockHostAndSignalSense = False
access.Advanced.ClockHost = AgEIvClockHost.eIvBase
access.Advanced.SignalSenseOfClockHost = AgEIvTimeSense.eIvTransmit

Compute and extract access interval times
[Python - STK API]
# IAgStkAccess access: Access calculation
# Get and display the Computed Access Intervals
intervalCollection = access.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes

# Set the intervals to use to the Computed Access Intervals
computedIntervals = intervalCollection.ToArray(0, -1)

Configure the access analysis time period to specified time instants.
[Python - STK API]
# IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

satellite = root.GetObjectFromPath('Satellite/MySatellite')
facility = root.GetObjectFromPath('Facility/MyFacility')

# For this code snippet, let's use the time interval when the satellite reached min and max altitude values.
# Note, this assumes time at min happens before time at max.
timeOfAltMin = satellite.Vgt.Events.Item('GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMin')
timeOfAltMax = satellite.Vgt.Events.Item('GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMax')

# Set the access time period with the times we figured out above.
access = satellite.GetAccessToObject(facility)
access.AccessTimePeriod = AgEAccessTimeType.eUserSpecAccessTime
accessTimePeriod = access.AccessTimePeriodData

accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.State = AgECrdnSmartIntervalState.eCrdnSmartIntervalStateStartStop

accessStartEpoch = accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.GetStartEpoch()

accessStopEpoch = accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.GetStopEpoch()

Compute an access between two STK Objects (using IAgStkObject interface)
% IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
% IAgFacility facility: Facility object

% Get access by STK Object
access = satellite.GetAccessToObject(facility);

% Compute access

Compute an access between two STK Objects (using object path)
% IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

% Get access by object path
access = satellite.GetAccess('Facility/MyFacility');

% Compute access

Compute Access with Advanced Settings
% IAgStkAccess access: Access object

access.Advanced.EnableLightTimeDelay = true;
access.Advanced.TimeLightDelayConvergence = .00005;
access.Advanced.AberrationType = 'eAberrationAnnual';
access.Advanced.UseDefaultClockHostAndSignalSense = false;
access.Advanced.ClockHost = 'eIvBase';
access.Advanced.SignalSenseOfClockHost = 'eIvTransmit';

Compute and extract access interval times
% IAgStkAccess access: Access calculation
% Get and display the Computed Access Intervals
intervalCollection = access.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes;

% Set the intervals to use to the Computed Access Intervals
computedIntervals = intervalCollection.ToArray(0, -1);

Configure the access analysis time period to specified time instants.
% IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

satellite = root.GetObjectFromPath('Satellite/MySatellite');
facility = root.GetObjectFromPath('Facility/MyFacility');

% For this code snippet, let's use the time interval when the satellite reached min and max altitude values.
% Note, this assumes time at min happens before time at max.
timeOfAltMin = satellite.Vgt.Events.Item('GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMin');
timeOfAltMax = satellite.Vgt.Events.Item('GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMax');

% Set the access time period with the times we figured out above.
access = satellite.GetAccessToObject(facility);
access.AccessTimePeriod = 'eUserSpecAccessTime';
accessTimePeriod = access.AccessTimePeriodData;

accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.State = 'eCrdnSmartIntervalStateStartStop';

accessStartEpoch = accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.GetStartEpoch();

accessStopEpoch = accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.GetStopEpoch();

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