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IAgStkObjectCollection Interface


Represents a collection of STK objects.

Public Methods

Public Method ContainsChecks whether the collection contains an object with the given type and name.
Public Method CopyObjectCopy and paste the specified object.
Public Method GetElementsReturns a collection of objects of specified type.
Public Method GetItemByIndexRetrieves an Stk object from the collection by index.
Public Method GetItemByNameRetrieves an Stk object from the collection by name.
Public Method ImportObjectImports object from external file and returns the pointer to the object.
Public Method NewCreates an STK object using specified class and instance name.
Public Method NewOnCentralBodyCreates an STK object using specified class, instance name and the central body.
Public Method UnloadRemoves an STK object using specified object's type and name.

Public Properties

Public Property CountReturns the number of elements in the collection.
Public Property ItemGiven an index, returns the element in the collection. If the index is an integer, then method returns the element in the collection at the given position. If the index is a string, then the method returns the element with the specified name.
Public Property SupportedChildTypesReturns the available objects that can be added to this object.
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