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IAgVODataDisplayCollection Interface


Data Display Text.

Public Methods

Public Method AddAdds a new element to the collection.
Public Method AddDataDisplayRequiringPreDataAdds a data display using additional data, such as a comparison object for an RIC report or a set of axes for a vector.
Public Method IsPreDataRequiredDetermine if the data display needs additional data, such as a comparison object for an RIC report or a set of axes for a vector.
Public Method RemoveAllRemoves all elements from the collection.
Public Method RemoveAtRemoves an element from the collection using specified index.

Public Properties

Public Property AvailableDataGets the available data.
Public Property CountReturns the number of elements in a collection.
Public Property ItemGiven an index, returns an element in the collection.


Configure 3D data display
// Add existing data display
// See AvailableData property for available data display
IAgVODataDisplayElement displayElement = datadisplaycol.Add("Solar Intensity");

// Configure data display as needed
displayElement.TitleText = "Sol. Intensity";
displayElement.IsVisible = true;
displayElement.Location = AgEVOLocation.e3DWindow;
displayElement.FontColor = Color.White;
displayElement.FontSize = AgEVOFontSize.eSmall;
displayElement.UseBackground = true;
displayElement.BgColor = Color.Orange;
displayElement.UseAutoSizeWidth = false;
displayElement.UseAutoSizeHeight = false;
displayElement.BgHeight = 55;
displayElement.BgWidth = 260;
displayElement.BackgroundTranslucency = 0.5;
displayElement.UseBackgroundTexture = false;
displayElement.UseBackgroundBorder = true;
displayElement.BackgroundBorderColor = Color.White;
Configure 3D data display
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Add existing data display
' See AvailableData property for available data display
Dim displayElement As IAgVODataDisplayElement = datadisplaycol.Add("Solar Intensity")

' Configure data display as needed
displayElement.TitleText = "Sol. Intensity"
displayElement.IsVisible = True
displayElement.Location = AgEVOLocation.e3DWindow
displayElement.FontColor = Color.White
displayElement.FontSize = AgEVOFontSize.eSmall
displayElement.UseBackground = True
displayElement.BgColor = Color.Orange
displayElement.UseAutoSizeWidth = False
displayElement.UseAutoSizeHeight = False
displayElement.BgHeight = 55
displayElement.BgWidth = 260
displayElement.BackgroundTranslucency = 0.5
displayElement.UseBackgroundTexture = False
displayElement.UseBackgroundBorder = True
displayElement.BackgroundBorderColor = Color.White
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