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IAgVOModelFile Interface


IAgVOModelFile Interface. Used to specify the model's file.

Public Properties

Public Property FilenamePath and filename of the model file.
Public Property FilePathAbsolute path and filename of the model file.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgVOModelFile


Configure 3D model file
// Set new ModelFile.Filename
model.ModelType = AgEModelType.eModelFile;
IAgVOModelFile modelFile = model.ModelData as IAgVOModelFile;
modelFile.Filename = @"\STKData\VO\Models\Space\alexis.mdl";

// Configure basic settings
model.Visible = true;
model.ScaleValue = 4.800;
Configure 3D model level of detail
// Configure level of details
IAgVODetailThreshold detail = model.DetailThreshold;
detail.EnableDetailThreshold = true;

// (assuming unit preferences set to km)
detail.All = 2.51189;
detail.ModelLabel = 158489;
detail.MarkerLabel = 2.51189e+006;
detail.Marker = 2.511e+007;
detail.Point = 1e+012;
Configure 3D model file
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Set new ModelFile.Filename
model.ModelType = AgEModelType.eModelFile
Dim modelFile As IAgVOModelFile = TryCast(model.ModelData, IAgVOModelFile)
modelFile.Filename = "\STKData\VO\Models\Space\alexis.mdl"

' Configure basic settings
model.Visible = True
model.ScaleValue = 4.8
Configure 3D model level of detail
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Configure level of details
Dim detail As IAgVODetailThreshold = model.DetailThreshold
detail.EnableDetailThreshold = True

' (assuming unit preferences set to km)
detail.All = 2.51189
detail.ModelLabel = 158489
detail.MarkerLabel = 2511890
detail.Marker = 25110000
detail.Point = 1000000000000
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