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IAgVOVaporTrail Interface


Configure the vapor trail 3D attributes.

Public Properties

Public Property AttachPointNameThe name of the point on the object's model where the vapor trail will be attached.
Public Property AvailableAttachPointsGets a list of available attach points.
Public Property ColorColor of the vapor trail.
Public Property DensityVapor density for a puff. A higher number produces denser looking vapor.
Public Property DisplayIntervalDefines a display interval of the vapor trail in the 3D window.
Public Property ImageFileImage file used to display the vapor trail.
Public Property MaxNumOfPuffsMaximum number of puffs trailing the vapor source. A higher number represents a longer vapor trail. Dimensionless.
Public Property RadiusTrue scale size for a puff. Uses Distance Dimension.
Public Property UseAttachPointIf the model file for the object has attach points, use this attribute and the AttachPointName attribute to specify the point where the vapor trail should be attached. Otherwise the vapor trail will be attached to the center of the model.
Public Property VisibleControls whether to display the vapor trail in the 3D window.
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