Trending controls for Aviator attitude.
AngleRateTolerance | Minimum angle rate used to detect an increasing/decreasing trend. Rates lower than this treat the angle trend as flat. Uses AngleRate Dimension. |
ComputeTrends | Flag controlling whether trends in the attitude angles should be detected and included as trending control times. |
KinkAngle | Minimum angle between the linear trends in the samples that indicates sufficient rate change to warrant creation of a trending control time. Uses Angle Dimension. |
TimeTolerance | Minimum time allowed between each trending control time. Uses Time Dimension. |
UsePitchTrend | Flag controlling whether pitch is considered when computing trends in attitude angles. |
UseRollTrend | Flag controlling whether roll is considered when computing trends in attitude angles. |
UseYawTrend | Flag controlling whether yaw is considered when computing trends in attitude angles. |