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IAgVeEphemerisCCSDSExportTool Interface


The CCSDS Ephemeris type for the Export Ephemeris/Attitude Tool.

Public Methods

Public Method ExportExports the ephemeris file.

Public Properties

Public Property CentralBodyNameThe central body of the coordinate system in which to express the ephemeris.
Public Property DateFormatThe desired date format.
Public Property EphemerisFormatThe desired format to be used for representing the position and velocity information as either scientific notation or floating point notation. Scientific notation is recommended when possible.
Public Property ObjectIDA string defining the Object ID - to be specified as the international spacecraft designator, also known as an NSSDC identifier.
Public Property ObjectNameA name for the Object. By recommendation of the CCSDS standard, the name from the SPACEWARN Bulletin should be used.
Public Property OriginatorA string that specifies an identifier of the organization producing the data file.
Public Property ReferenceFrameThe reference frame in which to express the ephemeris. Some frames are allowed for use only when the CentralBodyName is Earth or Moon.
Public Property ReferenceFramesSupportedReturns an array of valid choices.
Public Property StepSizeIf the Use Ephemeris Steps option is not selected, enter a Step Size to be used for the vehicle.
Public Property TimePeriodSets the time period. Options are Use Entire Ephemeris - STK creates a data file using the Start and Stop Time specified in the vehicle's Orbit tab or Specify Time Period - STK creates a data file using the Start and Stop Time specified here.
Public Property TimePrecisionIf selected, STK uses the Step Size specified in the vehicle's Basic properties. If not selected, specify a Step Size. Dimensionless.
Public Property TimeSystemThe time system of the ephemeris.
Public Property UseSatelliteCenterAndFrameUse the satellite center and frame. Setting the property to 'True' will cause CentralBody and ReferenceFrame properties become read-only.

CoClasses that Implement IAgVeEphemerisCCSDSExportTool

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