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IAgVeEphemerisStkBinaryExportTool Interface


The STK Binary Ephemeris type for the Export Ephemeris/Attitude Tool.

Public Methods

Public Method ExportExports the ephemeris file.

Public Properties

Public Property CentralBodyNameThe central body of the satellite.
Public Property CoordinateSystemWhether the resulting data file should be in the Fixed, J2000, or Inertial coordinate system. If Earth or the Sun is the central body, the Inertial coordinate system is not an available option.
Public Property CovarianceTypeChoose to export position covariance (3x3), position/velocity covariance (6x6), or no covariance information. CovarianceType is valid only if the vehicle has ephemeris with covariance.
Public Property IncludeInterpInclude or ignore interpolation boundaries.
Public Property StepSizeIf the Use Ephemeris Steps option is not selected, enter a Step Size to be used for the vehicle.
Public Property TimePeriodSets the time period. Options are Use Entire Ephemeris - STK creates a data file using the Start and Stop Time specified in the vehicle's Orbit tab or Specify Time Period - STK creates a data file using the Start and Stop Time specified here.
Public Property UseVehicleCentralBodyUses vehicle's central body.
Public Property VersionFormatProvides the option to generate files compatible with prior versions of STK.

CoClasses that Implement IAgVeEphemerisStkBinaryExportTool

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