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IAgVeGfxAttributesAccess Interface


Vehicle 2D Graphics display based on access intervals.

Public Properties

Public Property AccessObjectsReturns the collection of objects used for the access.
Public Property DuringAccessReturns the collection of gfx attributes used during the access.
Public Property NoAccessReturns the collection of gfx attributes used when there is no access.


CoClasses that Implement IAgVeGfxAttributesAccess


Set a vehicle's graphics to access intervals
if (graphics.IsAttributesTypeSupported(AgEVeGfxAttributes.eAttributesAccess))
    // Set graphics to access intervals

    // Get IAgVeGfxAttributesAccess interface
    IAgVeGfxAttributesAccess accessAttributes = graphics.Attributes as IAgVeGfxAttributesAccess;

    // adjust the access intervals graphics
Configure access intervals graphics

accessAttributes.DuringAccess.IsVisible = true;
accessAttributes.DuringAccess.Color = Color.Yellow;
accessAttributes.NoAccess.IsVisible = true;
accessAttributes.NoAccess.Color = Color.Red;
Set a vehicle's graphics to access intervals
[Visual Basic .NET]
If graphics.IsAttributesTypeSupported(AgEVeGfxAttributes.eAttributesAccess) Then
	' Set graphics to access intervals

	' Get IAgVeGfxAttributesAccess interface

		' adjust the access intervals graphics
	Dim accessAttributes As IAgVeGfxAttributesAccess = TryCast(graphics.Attributes, IAgVeGfxAttributesAccess)
End If
Configure access intervals graphics
[Visual Basic .NET]

accessAttributes.DuringAccess.IsVisible = True
accessAttributes.DuringAccess.Color = Color.Yellow
accessAttributes.NoAccess.IsVisible = True
accessAttributes.NoAccess.Color = Color.Red
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