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IAgVeGfxAttributesBasic Interface


Basic 2D Graphics Attributes for a vehicle.

Public Properties

Public Property ColorColor in which vehicle marker, label and tracks are displayed.
Public Property InheritInherit certain 2D graphics settings from the scenario level.
Public Property IsVisibleShow 2D Graphics for the vehicle.
Public Property LabelVisibleOpt whether to display the vehicle's label.
Public Property LineGet the line display properties for the vehicle.
Public Property MarkerStyleStyle of marker used to represent vehicle.

CoClasses that Implement IAgVeGfxAttributesBasic


Set a vehicle's graphics to basic
if (graphics.IsAttributesTypeSupported(AgEVeGfxAttributes.eAttributesBasic))
    // Set graphics to basic

    // Get IAgVeGfxAttributesBasic interface
    IAgVeGfxAttributesBasic basicAttributes = graphics.Attributes as IAgVeGfxAttributesBasic;

    // adjust the basic graphics
Configure basic graphics
// Change display
basicAttributes.IsVisible = true;
basicAttributes.Color = Color.Red;
basicAttributes.Line.Style = AgELineStyle.eDotted;
basicAttributes.Line.Width = AgELineWidth.e3;
basicAttributes.MarkerStyle = "Square";
Set a vehicle's graphics to basic
[Visual Basic .NET]
If graphics.IsAttributesTypeSupported(AgEVeGfxAttributes.eAttributesBasic) Then
	' Set graphics to basic

	' Get IAgVeGfxAttributesBasic interface

		' adjust the basic graphics
	Dim basicAttributes As IAgVeGfxAttributesBasic = TryCast(graphics.Attributes, IAgVeGfxAttributesBasic)
End If
Configure basic graphics
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Change display
basicAttributes.IsVisible = True
basicAttributes.Color = Color.Red
basicAttributes.Line.Style = AgELineStyle.eDotted
basicAttributes.Line.Width = AgELineWidth.e3
basicAttributes.MarkerStyle = "Square"
Set 2D Graphics display properties
[Python - STK API]
# IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
# IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
# Change the line width, style, color and marker

graphics = satellite.Graphics
attributes = graphics.Attributes
attributes.Inherit = False
attributes.Line.Width = AgELineWidth.e4
attributes.Line.Style = AgELineStyle.eLongDash
attributes.Color = Colors.Lime
attributes.MarkerStyle = r'C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\STKData\Pixmaps\MarkersWin\m010Satellite.bmp'

Set 2D Graphics display properties
% IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
% IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
% Change the line width, style, color and marker

graphics = satellite.Graphics;
attributes = graphics.Attributes;
attributes.Inherit = false;
attributes.Line.Width = 3;
attributes.Line.Style = 'eLongDash';
attributes.Color = 65280;
attributes.MarkerStyle = 'C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\STKData\Pixmaps\MarkersWin\m010Satellite.bmp';

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