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IAgVeGfxLighting Interface



Public Properties

Public Property IsPenumbraUmbraVisibleOpt whether to show the dividing line between regions of penumbra and umbra at the current altitude of the vehicle.
Public Property IsSolarSpecularReflectionPointVisibleOpt whether to draw the solar specular reflection point on the surface of the globe as a white '*'.
Public Property IsSunLightPenumbraVisibleOpt whether to show the dividing line between regions of sunlight and penumbra at the current altitude of the vehicle.
Public Property PenumbraGet the display options for regions of penumbra.
Public Property SunlightGet the display options for regions of sunlight.
Public Property UmbraGet the display options for regions of umbra.


Configure sunlight lighting graphics
IAgVeGfxLightingElement sunlight = lighting.Sunlight;

sunlight.Visible = true;
sunlight.Color = Color.Red;
sunlight.LineStyle = AgELineStyle.eDotted;
sunlight.LineWidth = AgELineWidth.e3;
sunlight.MarkerStyle = "Circle";
Configure sunlight lighting graphics
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim sunlight As IAgVeGfxLightingElement = lighting.Sunlight

sunlight.Visible = True
sunlight.Color = Color.Red
sunlight.LineStyle = AgELineStyle.eDotted
sunlight.LineWidth = AgELineWidth.e3
sunlight.MarkerStyle = "Circle"
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