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IAgVeGfxLightingElement Interface


Lighting condition properties.

Public Properties

Public Property ColorThe color of the line that will mark the region representing the selected lighting condition.
Public Property LineStyleThe type of line that will mark the region representing the selected lighting condition.
Public Property LineWidthThe width of the line that will mark the region representing the selected lighting condition.
Public Property MarkerStyleThe object marker while the vehicle is within a particular region representing the selected lighting condition.
Public Property VisibleOpt whether to display the orbit and/or ground track in the color assigned to the specified lighting condition.


Configure sunlight lighting graphics
IAgVeGfxLightingElement sunlight = lighting.Sunlight;

sunlight.Visible = true;
sunlight.Color = Color.Red;
sunlight.LineStyle = AgELineStyle.eDotted;
sunlight.LineWidth = AgELineWidth.e3;
sunlight.MarkerStyle = "Circle";
Configure sunlight lighting graphics
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim sunlight As IAgVeGfxLightingElement = lighting.Sunlight

sunlight.Visible = True
sunlight.Color = Color.Red
sunlight.LineStyle = AgELineStyle.eDotted
sunlight.LineWidth = AgELineWidth.e3
sunlight.MarkerStyle = "Circle"
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