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IAgVeGfxTimeComponentsEventCollectionElement Interface


Provides properties to configure the vehicle's appearance in 2D and 3D views. The interface is used with event interval collections only.

Public Methods

Public Method GetTimeComponentReturns an instance of a time component which provides the time intervals to control the appearance and visibility of the graphics path. The method may throw an exception if the component is invalid.

Public Properties

Public Property ColorRampEndColorThe end color of the color ramp. Setting this property has no effect if the color ramp is not supported.
Public Property ColorRampStartColorThe start color of the color ramp. Setting this property has no effect if the color ramp is not supported.
Public Property PenumbraConfigure the appearance of the orbit track, the marker, etc. when the vehicle is only partially in sunlight.
Public Property SunlightConfigure the appearance of the orbit track, the marker, etc. when the vehicle is in complete sunlight.
Public Property UmbraConfigure the appearance of the orbit track, the marker, etc. when the vehicle isn't in sunlight at all.
Public Property UseColorRampWhether the color ramp is used. Setting this property has no effect if the color ramp is not supported.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgVeGfxTimeComponentsEventCollectionElement

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