Reference axes with respect to which the body-fixed axes are oriented. The satellite's body axes or any axes dependent upon the satellite's body axes are invalid for this attitude profile; all other axes are valid choices for the reference axes.
Read-write property
[Visual Basic .NET] |
Public Property ReferenceAxes() As String |
[C#] |
public string ReferenceAxes {get; set;} |
[Managed C++] |
public: __property String __gc ^ get_ReferenceAxes(); |
[Unmanaged C++] |
public: HRESULT get_ReferenceAxes( BSTR * pVal ); public: HRESULT put_ReferenceAxes( BSTR ReferenceAxes ); |
[Java] |
public String getReferenceAxes(); public void setReferenceAxes( String ); |