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IAgVeRealtimePointBuilder Interface


Allows the user to create vehicle's ephemeris by appending ephemeris points.

Public Methods

Public Method GetPointsInFrameAllows adding points using specified reference frame.
Public Method RemoveAllPointsRemoves any points add to the vehicle's realtime ephemeris.

Public Properties

Public Property AGL_LLAThe AGL_LLA considers terrain at the specified location when measuring <Alt>.
Public Property B1950The input values are in the B1950 coordinate frame.
Public Property ECFOrigin is at the center of the Earth and axes which are fixed to the Earth.
Public Property ECIOrigin is at the center of the Earth and axes which are fixed in inertial space. The inertial coordinate system is J2000.
Public Property LLAThe LLA measures <Alt> from the surface of the Earth, or 0.
Public Property LLAHPSLat & Lon are entered in Lat & Lon units. Alt is in Distance unit. Heading & Pitch are in degrees. Speed is in Distance/Time. Heading is entered as degrees from North and is the rotation about the Z-axis; Pitch is the rotation about the Y-axis.
Public Property MSL_LLAThe MSL_LLA considers mean sea level at the specified location when measuring <Alt>.
Public Property UTMValid values for ZoneStr are A, B, Y, Z or ddc, where 00<dd<61 and c is C-X. Easting, Northing and Alt are entered in distance units. LonRate and LatRate are entered in degrees/second. AltRate is entered in units/second.
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