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IAgVeVODropLinePathItem Interface


Interface for drop lines at intervals along the vehicle's path.

Public Properties

Public Property ColorThe color of the drop lines (if the 2D graphics color is not used).
Public Property IntervalThe time interval between drop lines. Uses Time Dimension.
Public Property IsVisibleOpt whether to display the drop lines.
Public Property LineStyleThe line style of the drop line.
Public Property LineWidthThe width of the drop line from orbit
Public Property TypeGet the option for where to end the drop lines.
Public Property Use2DColorOpt whether to use the color in the vehicle's 2D attributes for the drop lines.


Configure 3D dropline graphics
dropLine.IsVisible = true;
dropLine.Use2DColor = false;
dropLine.Color = Color.Red;
dropLine.LineStyle = AgELineStyle.eDashed;
dropLine.LineWidth = AgELineWidth.e4;
dropLine.Interval = 100.000; // in sec
Configure 3D dropline graphics
[Visual Basic .NET]
dropLine.IsVisible = True
dropLine.Use2DColor = False
dropLine.Color = Color.Red
dropLine.LineStyle = AgELineStyle.eDashed
dropLine.LineWidth = AgELineWidth.e4
dropLine.Interval = 100
' in sec
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