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IAgVeVODropLinePathItemCollection Interface


Interface for drop lines from the vehicle's orbit or trajectory.

Public Properties

Public Property CountReturns the number of elements in a collection.
Public Property ItemGiven an index, returns an element in the collection.


Display droplines in 3D Window
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
orbitDroplines = satellite.VO.DropLines.Orbit
wgs84 = orbitDroplines.Item(0)  # Droplines to WGS84 surface
wgs84.IsVisible = True
wgs84.LineWidth = AgELineWidth.e2
wgs84.Use2DColor = False
wgs84.Color = Colors.Red

Display droplines in 3D Window
% IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
orbitDroplines = satellite.VO.DropLines.Orbit;
wgs84 = orbitDroplines.Item(0); %   Droplines to WGS84 surface
wgs84.IsVisible = true;
wgs84.LineWidth = 1;
wgs84.Use2DColor = false;
wgs84.Color = 255;  % red

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