Proximity graphics interface.
AOULabelSwapDistance | Area of uncertainty label swap distance. |
BearingBox | Get the parameters for a bearing box, defining a volume, relative to a bearing from the North, around an object. |
BearingEllipse | Get the parameters for a bearing ellipse, defining an ellipse, relative to a bearing from the North, around the object. |
ControlBox | Get the parameters for a control box, defining a volume around the object that moves with the object. |
Ellipsoid | Defines the ellipsoid parameters. |
GeoBox | Get the parameters for a geostationary box, a planar rectangle centered at a fixed longitude in space and used to visually check that a GEO satellite stays within a certain area. |
LineOfBearing | Get the parameters for a line of bearing parameters drawn from an origin in the direction of a bearing. |
Implemented Interface |
IAgVeVOProximity |