Earth-centered coordinate systems for defining certain propagators.
Member | Value | Description |
eCoordinateSystemUnknown | -1 | Represents coordinate system not supported by the Object Model. |
eCoordinateSystemAlignmentAtEpoch | 0 | Alignment at Epoch: an inertial system coincident with ECF at the Coord Epoch. Often used to specify launch trajectories. |
eCoordinateSystemB1950 | 1 | B1950: X points toward the mean vernal equinox and Z points along the mean rotation axis of the Earth at the beginning of the Besselian year 1950 and corresponds to 31 December 1949 22:09:07.2 or JD 2433282.423. |
eCoordinateSystemFixed | 2 | Fixed: X is fixed at 0 deg longitude, Y is fixed at 90 deg longitude, and Z is directed toward the north pole. |
eCoordinateSystemJ2000 | 3 | J2000: X points toward the mean vernal equinox and Z points along the mean rotation axis of the Earth on 1 Jan 2000 at 12:00:00.00 TDB, which corresponds to JD 2451545.0 TDB. |
eCoordinateSystemMeanOfDate | 4 | Mean of Date: X points toward the mean vernal equinox and Z points along the mean rotation axis of the Earth at the Orbit Epoch. |
eCoordinateSystemMeanOfEpoch | 5 | Mean of Epoch: X points toward the mean vernal equinox and Z points along the mean rotation axis of the Earth at the Coord Epoch. |
eCoordinateSystemTEMEOfDate | 6 | TEME of Date: X points toward the mean vernal equinox and Z points along the true rotation axis of the Earth at the Orbit Epoch. |
eCoordinateSystemTEMEOfEpoch | 7 | TEME of Epoch: X points toward the mean vernal equinox and Z points along the true rotation axis of the Earth at the Coord Epoch. |
eCoordinateSystemTrueOfDate | 8 | True of Date: X points toward the true vernal equinox and Z points along the true rotation axis of the Earth at the Orbit Epoch. |
eCoordinateSystemTrueOfEpoch | 9 | True of Epoch: X points toward the true vernal equinox and Z points along the true rotation axis of the Earth at the Coord Epoch. |
eCoordinateSystemTrueOfRefDate | 10 | True of Ref Date: A special case of True of Epoch. Instead of the Coord Epoch, this system uses a Reference Date defined in the Integration Control page of the scenario's PODS properties. |
eCoordinateSystemICRF | 11 | ICRF: International Celestial Reference Frame. |
eCoordinateSystemMeanEarth | 13 | Mean Earth. |
eCoordinateSystemFixedNoLibration | 14 | uses an analytic formula not modeling lunar libration. |
eCoordinateSystemFixedIAU2003 | 15 | Fixed_IAU2003. |
eCoordinateSystemPrincipalAxes421 | 16 | PrincipalAxes_421. |
eCoordinateSystemPrincipalAxes403 | 17 | PrincipalAxes_403. |
eCoordinateSystemInertial | 18 | Inertial. |
eCoordinateSystemJ2000Ecliptic | 19 | The mean ecliptic system evaluated at the J2000 epoch. The mean ecliptic plane is defined as the rotation of the J2000 XY plane about the J2000 X axis by the mean obliquity defined using FK5 IAU76 theory. |
eCoordinateSystemTrueEclipticOfDate | 21 | The true ecliptic system, evaluated at each given time. The true ecliptic plane is defined as the rotation of the J2000 XY plane about the J2000 X axis by the true obliquity defined using FK5 IAU76 theory. |
eCoordinateSystemPrincipalAxes430 | 22 | PrincipalAxes_430. |
eCoordinateSystemTrueOfDateRotating | 23 | TrueOfDateRotating: Like the Fixed system, but ignores pole wander. The XY plane is the same as the XY plane of the TrueOfDate system, and the system rotates about the TrueOfDate Z-axis. |
eCoordinateSystemEclipticJ2000ICRF | 24 | EclipticJ2000ICRF: An ecliptic system that is a fixed offset of the ICRF system, found by rotating the ICRF system about its X-axis by the mean obliquity at the J2000 epoch (i.e., 84381.448 arcSecs). The ecliptic plane is the XY-plane of this system. |