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AgECoordinateSystem Enumeration
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Earth-centered coordinate systems for defining certain propagators.


eCoordinateSystemUnknown-1Represents coordinate system not supported by the Object Model.
eCoordinateSystemAlignmentAtEpoch0Alignment at Epoch: an inertial system coincident with ECF at the Coord Epoch. Often used to specify launch trajectories.
eCoordinateSystemB19501B1950: X points toward the mean vernal equinox and Z points along the mean rotation axis of the Earth at the beginning of the Besselian year 1950 and corresponds to 31 December 1949 22:09:07.2 or JD 2433282.423.
eCoordinateSystemFixed2Fixed: X is fixed at 0 deg longitude, Y is fixed at 90 deg longitude, and Z is directed toward the north pole.
eCoordinateSystemJ20003J2000: X points toward the mean vernal equinox and Z points along the mean rotation axis of the Earth on 1 Jan 2000 at 12:00:00.00 TDB, which corresponds to JD 2451545.0 TDB.
eCoordinateSystemMeanOfDate4Mean of Date: X points toward the mean vernal equinox and Z points along the mean rotation axis of the Earth at the Orbit Epoch.
eCoordinateSystemMeanOfEpoch5Mean of Epoch: X points toward the mean vernal equinox and Z points along the mean rotation axis of the Earth at the Coord Epoch.
eCoordinateSystemTEMEOfDate6TEME of Date: X points toward the mean vernal equinox and Z points along the true rotation axis of the Earth at the Orbit Epoch.
eCoordinateSystemTEMEOfEpoch7TEME of Epoch: X points toward the mean vernal equinox and Z points along the true rotation axis of the Earth at the Coord Epoch.
eCoordinateSystemTrueOfDate8True of Date: X points toward the true vernal equinox and Z points along the true rotation axis of the Earth at the Orbit Epoch.
eCoordinateSystemTrueOfEpoch9True of Epoch: X points toward the true vernal equinox and Z points along the true rotation axis of the Earth at the Coord Epoch.
eCoordinateSystemTrueOfRefDate10True of Ref Date: A special case of True of Epoch. Instead of the Coord Epoch, this system uses a Reference Date defined in the Integration Control page of the scenario's PODS properties.
eCoordinateSystemICRF11ICRF: International Celestial Reference Frame.
eCoordinateSystemMeanEarth13Mean Earth.
eCoordinateSystemFixedNoLibration14uses an analytic formula not modeling lunar libration.
eCoordinateSystemJ2000Ecliptic19The mean ecliptic system evaluated at the J2000 epoch. The mean ecliptic plane is defined as the rotation of the J2000 XY plane about the J2000 X axis by the mean obliquity defined using FK5 IAU76 theory.
eCoordinateSystemTrueEclipticOfDate21The true ecliptic system, evaluated at each given time. The true ecliptic plane is defined as the rotation of the J2000 XY plane about the J2000 X axis by the true obliquity defined using FK5 IAU76 theory.
eCoordinateSystemTrueOfDateRotating23TrueOfDateRotating: Like the Fixed system, but ignores pole wander. The XY plane is the same as the XY plane of the TrueOfDate system, and the system rotates about the TrueOfDate Z-axis.
eCoordinateSystemEclipticJ2000ICRF24EclipticJ2000ICRF: An ecliptic system that is a fixed offset of the ICRF system, found by rotating the ICRF system about its X-axis by the mean obliquity at the J2000 epoch (i.e., 84381.448 arcSecs). The ecliptic plane is the XY-plane of this system.
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