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IAgDirection Interface


Interface to set and retrieve direction options for aligned and constrained vectors.

Public Methods

Public Method AssignAssign a new direction.
Public Method AssignEulerHelper method to set direction using the Euler representation. Params B and C use Angle Dimension.
Public Method AssignPRHelper method to set direction using the Pitch Roll representation. Pitch and Roll use Angle Dimension.
Public Method AssignRADecHelper method to set direction using the Right Ascension and Declination representation. Param Dec uses Latitude. Param RA uses Longitude.
Public Method AssignXYZHelper method to set direction using the Cartesian representation. Params X, Y and Z are dimensionless.
Public Method ConvertToMethod to changes the direction to the type specified.
Public Method QueryEulerHelper method to get direction using the Euler representation. Params B and C use Angle Dimension.
Public Method QueryEulerArrayReturns the Euler elements in an array.
Public Method QueryPRHelper method to get direction using the Pitch Roll representation. Pitch and Roll use Angle Dimension.
Public Method QueryPRArrayReturns the PR elements in an array.
Public Method QueryRADecHelper method to get direction using the Right Ascension and Declination representation. Param Dec uses Latitude. Param RA uses Longitude.
Public Method QueryRADecArrayReturns the RADec elements in an array.
Public Method QueryXYZHelper method to get direction using the Cartesian representation. Params X, Y and Z are dimensionless.
Public Method QueryXYZArrayReturns the XYZ elements in an array.

Public Properties

Public Property DirectionTypeReturns the type of direction currently being used.

CoClasses that Implement IAgDirection


Query direction as another representation
// Method 1
object b = null, c = null;
direction.QueryEuler(AgEEulerDirectionSequence.e12, out b, out c);
Console.WriteLine("B = {0}, C = {1}", b, c);
// Method 2
// The Query functions returns a one dimension array
// The number of column rows depends on the representation
Array euler = direction.QueryEulerArray(AgEEulerDirectionSequence.e12);
Console.WriteLine("B = {0}, C = {1}", euler.GetValue(0), euler.GetValue(1));
Query direction as another representation
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Method 1
Dim b As Object = Nothing, c As Object = Nothing
direction.QueryEuler(AgEEulerDirectionSequence.e12, b, c)
Console.WriteLine("B = {0}, C = {1}", b, c)
' Method 2
' The Query functions returns a one dimension array
' The number of column rows depends on the representation
Dim euler As Array = direction.QueryEulerArray(AgEEulerDirectionSequence.e12)
Console.WriteLine("B = {0}, C = {1}", euler.GetValue(0), euler.GetValue(1))
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