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IAgPosition Interface


IAgPosition provides access to the position of the object.

Public Methods

Public Method AssignAssigns the coordinates into the system.
Public Method AssignCartesianAssign the position using the Cartesian representation.
Public Method AssignCylindricalAssign the position using the Cylindrical representation.
Public Method AssignGeocentricAssign the position using the Geocentric representation.
Public Method AssignGeodeticAssign the position using the Geodetic representation.
Public Method AssignPlanetocentricAssign the position using the Planetocentric representation.
Public Method AssignPlanetodeticAssign the position using the Planetodetic representation.
Public Method AssignSphericalAssign the position using the Spherical representation.
Public Method ConvertToChanges the position coordinates to type specified.
Public Method QueryCartesianGet the position using the Cartesian representation.
Public Method QueryCartesianArrayThis method is similar to QueryCartesian but can be used by earlybound(c#, and latebound(scripting languages) clients. The array returns the values in the order X(index 0), Y(index 1) and Z(index 2).
Public Method QueryCylindricalGet the position using the Cylindrical representation.
Public Method QueryCylindricalArrayThis method is similar to QueryCylindrical but can be used by earlybound(c#, and latebound(scripting languages) clients. The array returns the values in the order Radius(index 0), Lon(index 1) and Z(index 2).
Public Method QueryPlanetocentricGet the position using the Planetocentric representation.
Public Method QueryPlanetocentricArrayThis method is similar to QueryPlanetocentric but can be used by earlybound(c#, and latebound(scripting languages) clients. The array returns the values in the order Latitude(index 0), Longitude(index 1) and Altitude(index 2).
Public Method QueryPlanetodeticGet the position using the Planetodetic representation.
Public Method QueryPlanetodeticArrayThis method is similar to QueryPlanetodetic but can be used by earlybound(c#, and latebound(scripting languages) clients. The array returns the values in the order Latitude(index 0), Longitude(index 1) and Altitude(index 2).
Public Method QuerySphericalGet the position using the Spherical representation.
Public Method QuerySphericalArrayThis method is similar to QuerySpherical but can be used by earlybound(c#, and latebound(scripting languages) clients. The array returns the values in the order Latitude(index 0), Longitude(index 1) and Radius(index 2).

Public Properties

Public Property CentralBodyNameGets the central body.
Public Property PosTypeGets the type of position currently being used.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgPosition


Change a target position
IAgPosition pos = target.Position;
pos.AssignGeodetic(39.95, 15.58, 231.54);
Change a target position
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim pos As IAgPosition = target.Position
pos.AssignGeodetic(39.95, 15.58, 231.54)
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