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IAgQuantity Interface


Provides helper methods for a quantity.

Public Methods

Public Method AddAdds the value from the IAgQuantity interface to this interface. Returns a new IAgQuantity. The dimensions must be similar.
Public Method ConvertToUnitChanges the value in this quantity to the specified unit.
Public Method DivideQtyDivides the value from the IAgQuantity interface to this interface. The dimensions must be similar.
Public Method MultiplyQtyMultiplies the value from the IAgQuantity interface to this interface. Returns a new IAgQuantity. The dimensions must be similar.
Public Method SubtractSubtracts the value from the IAgQuantity interface to this interface. Returns a new IAgQuantity. The dimensions must be similar.

Public Properties

Public Property DimensionGets the name of the dimension.
Public Property UnitGet the current Unit abbreviation.
Public Property ValueGets or sets the current value.


Calculate quantity addition (with IAgQuantity)
// Create a quantity representing a 3.1 mile/ 5 km fun run race
IAgQuantity  race3mi = root.ConversionUtility.NewQuantity("Distance", "mi", 3.1);
IAgQuantity  race5km = root.ConversionUtility.NewQuantity("Distance", "km", 5);

// Add the two 3.1 mile/ 5 km runs
IAgQuantity race10km = race5km.Add(race3mi);
Console.Write("The {0} {1} race is also called a ", race10km.Value, race10km.Unit);

// Convert 10k run to 6.2 mile run internally within the quantity
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} race", race10km.Value, race10km.Unit);
Calculate quantity addition (with IAgQuantity)
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Create a quantity representing a 3.1 mile/ 5 km fun run race
Dim race3mi As IAgQuantity = root.ConversionUtility.NewQuantity("Distance", "mi", 3.1)
Dim race5km As IAgQuantity = root.ConversionUtility.NewQuantity("Distance", "km", 5)

' Add the two 3.1 mile/ 5 km runs
Dim race10km As IAgQuantity = race5km.Add(race3mi)
Console.Write("The {0} {1} race is also called a ", race10km.Value, race10km.Unit)

' Convert 10k run to 6.2 mile run internally within the quantity
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} race", race10km.Value, race10km.Unit)
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