STK XSend comments on this topic.
Project Overview


STK X allows developers to add advanced STK 2D, 3D visualization and analytical capabilities to applications.

The top of the STK X object model presents the following creatable components:

  • The Application component interfaces to the STK analytical engine. It can be used by itself (in a GUI-less mode), or through the Application property on the Globe and Map controls.
    The main way to communicate with the engine is to send Connect commands. Connect is a language for accessing and manipulating STK (see the ExecuteCommand method).
    The Application object also exposes connection points that you can sink to receive notification about the state of the STK engine (for instance a scenario has been loaded; an animation step is performed, etc.).
    Notice that you can instantiate many application objects, but they all refer to the same unique STK engine.

  • The Globe control enables you to insert a 3D view into your application.
    You can use several Globe controls if you wish to have different views of the same scenario. By default the STK keyboard and mouse interaction mechanism are used, but various events are available, allowing your application to implement specific keyboard and mouse interactions and modes.

  • The Map control can be used to insert a 2D view into your application.
    The Map control gives your application a 2D view of the scenario. You can use several Map controls if you wish to have different views of the same scenario. By default the STK keyboard and mouse interaction mechanism are used, but various events are available, allowing your application to implement specific keyboard and mouse interactions and modes.

  • The Graphics Analysis control allows you to insert graphics analysis capability into your application. The Graphics Analysis Control can perform various analyses when set in any of the following four analysis modes.

    • Area Tool

    • AzElMask Tool

    • Obscuration Tool

    • Solar Panel Tool


AgDataObjectData Object for OLE drag & drop operations.
AgDataObjectFilesCollection of files for OLE drag & drop operations.
AgDrawElemCollectionCollection of elements to draw on the control.
AgDrawElemLineDefines a line in window coordinates.
AgDrawElemRectDefines a rectangle in window coordinates.
AgExecCmdResultCollection of strings returned by the ExecuteCommand.
AgExecMultiCmdResultCollection of objects returned by the ExecuteMultipleCommands.
AgObjPathCollectionCollection of object paths.
AgPickInfoDataSingle mouse pick result.
AgRubberBandPickInfoDataRubber-band mouse pick result.
AgSTKXApplicationSTK X Application object.
AgSTKXConControlQuitReceivedEventArgsArguments for the OnConControlQuitReceived event.
AgSTKXSSLCertificateErrorEventArgsProvides information about an SSL certificate that is expired or invalid.

The 2D Map window control.

By default, you can use the mouse in the following ways to interact with the 2D Graphics window:

  • The latitude and longitude of the cursor position on the 2D map window is displayed in the status bar. To activate the status bar select View > Status Bar from the Menu bar. The latitude and longitude are shown in the scenario lat-lon units which can be found and changed in the Scenario > Basic > Units properties window.
  • Select the Zoom In button on the default toolbar or 2D window default tool bar and drag it across the area of the 2D map window you want to zoom in to. Using the Zoom In button changes the map center.
  • Click on the Zoom Out button on the default toolbar or 2D window default toolbar to zoom out of the 2D window one zoom level. You can continue to click the Zoom Out button until the 2D map fills the display window.
  • Use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out of the 2D map window. Using the mouse scroll wheel does not add any zoom levels to the zoom stack so after zooming in using the mouse scroll wheel hitting the Zoom Out button will zoom all the way out to a global view.
  • To move the central body in grab mode, click the Grab Globe button on the default toolbar or the 2D window default toolbar and click and drag in the 2D window. To leave grab mode, click the Grab Globe button again.
AgUiAxGfxAnalysisCntrlAGI Graphics Analysis Control.

The 3D Globe window control.

By default, you can use the mouse in the following ways to manipulate the 3D Graphics window:

  • Double-click the left mouse button on any spot on the globe to display the latitude and longitude of the selected spot. The latitude and longitude are shown in the scenario lat-lon units which can be found and changed in the Scenario > Basic > Units properties window.
  • Use the left mouse button to rotate the globe.
  • Use the right mouse button to zoom in and out. You can also zoom into a portion of the 3D Graphics window by clicking the zoom button and then using the left mouse button to drag out a region to view on the 3D Graphics window.
  • Use the Shift-left mouse button to pan and tilt the virtual camera; that is, keep the camera in a fixed point in space and change its orientation.
  • Use the mouse and the 3D Object Editor to edit an object in the 3D Graphics window.

The mouse works as follows in Grab mode:

  • Moving the mouse while the left button is depressed rotates the globe.
  • Moving the mouse while the right button is depressed zooms in and out.
  • Moving the mouse while the left button and shift key are depressed grabs the central globe and rotates it.

  • When you go into Grab mode, you are placed in the lat/lon/alt view mode, if you are not already in it.

If the Constrained "Up" Vector is selected on the View From/To dialog box, the view may shift slightly to keep the "up" vector up.

AgWinProjPosProjected window position result.


IAgDrawElemDraw element.
IAgDrawElemLineDefines a line in control coordinates.
IAgExecCmdResultCollection of strings returned by the ExecuteCommand.
IAgExecMultiCmdResultCollection of objects returned by the ExecuteMultipleCommands.
IAgSTKXApplicationRawEventsSTK X Application Raw Events.
IAgSTKXConControlQuitReceivedEventArgsArguments for the OnConControlQuitReceived event.
IAgSTKXSSLCertificateErrorEventArgsProvides information about an SSL certificate that is expired or invalid.
IAgUiAxGfxAnalysisCntrlAGI Gfx Analysis control.
IAgUiAxGfxAnalysisCntrlEventsAGI Gfx Analysis control events.
IAgUiAxStockRawEventsAGI Map & Globe control raw stock events.
IAgUiAxVOCntrlRawEventsAGI Globe control raw events.
IAgWinProjPosProjected window position detail.


AgEButtonValuesNumeric value of the mouse button pressed.
AgEExecMultiCmdResultActionEnumeration defines a set of actions when an error occurs while executing a command batch.
AgEFeatureCodesThe enumeration values are used to check availability of a given feature.
AgEGfxAnalysisModeSpecifies the mode of Gfx Analysis Control.
AgEGfxDrawCoordsSpecifies the draw coordinates for Map Control.
AgELineStyleLine Style.

Specifies the state of the log file.

AgELogMsgDispIDLog message destination options.
AgELogMsgTypeLog message types.
AgEMouseModeMouse modes.
AgEOLEDropModeSpecifies how to handle OLE drop operations.
AgEProgressImageXOriginSpecifies to align progress image X origin.
AgEProgressImageYOriginSpecifies to align progress image Y origin.
AgEShiftValuesState of the Shift/Ctrl/Alt keys.
AgEShowProgressImageSpecifies to show progress image.
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